Abstract (croatian) | Corona virus (virus SARS-CoV-2) je novi soj virusa koji je uzrokovao Covid-19 pandemiju. Širenje bolesti u Europi prvenstveno je uzrokovano kapljičnim prijenosom s čovjeka na čovjeka. Osim prijenosa s bolesnih ljudi, virus se prenosi i s asimptomatskih bolesnika. Razdoblje inkubacije iznosi do 14 dana nakon izlaganja uzročniku, s prosječnom inkubacijom od četiri do pet dana.
Oboljeli su najčešće u petom desetljeću života. Najčešći simptomi bolesti su povišena temperatura, slabost i suhi kašalj. Više od 90% bolesnika hospitalizira se radi pneumonije. Od laboratorijskih nalaza kod oboljelih najčešća je limfocitopenija, trombocitopenija, leukopenija, te povišene vrijednosti C – reaktivnog proteina. Visoki rizik od teškog oblika bolesti i smrtnog ishoda imaju stariji bolesnici, te bolesnici s komorbiditetnim bolestima, kao što su kardiovaskularne bolesti, kronična plućna bolest, dijabetes, oboljeli od zloćudnih bolesti, te bolesnici s povišenim krvnim tlakom. Po dosadašnjim podacima liječenja oboljelih u Kini, oko 5% bolesnika liječeno je u jedinicama intenzivnog liječenja. U Italiji je taj broj znatno viši i iznosi oko 16%. Broj umrlih bolesnika u Kini kreće se od 2-3%, dok je trenutna smrtnost u Italiji iznad 8%.
Osobnu zaštitu zdravstvenih djelatnika u radu s oboljelima čine: pregača, gumene rukavice, naočale, zaštitna maska, te zaštitno odijelo. Tijekom zahvata pri kojima se stvara aerosol, poput ručne ventilacije bolesnika, trahealne intubacije, traheotomije, te tijekom kardiopulmonalne reanimacije, fiberskopije i bronhoskopije, za zaštitu medicinskog osoblja, potrebno je koristiti zaštitne maske N95, FFP3 i P100. S obzirom na to da je SARS-CoV-2 virus stabilan i virulentan na plastičnim površinama tijekom 72 sata, a na metalnima tijekom 48 sati, potrebna je redovita dezinfekcija ovakvih površina otopinom klora u koncentraciji od 1000 mg/L. |
Abstract (english) | The Corona virus (virus SARS-CoV-2) is the new virus strain which caused the Covid-19 pandemic. The spreading of the disease in Europe is primarily caused by drop transmission from person to person. Besides transmission from sick people, the virus is also transmitted from asymptomatic patients. The incubation period is up to 14 days following exposure to the agent, with an average incubation of four to five days.
The diseased are most commonly in the fifth decade of life. The most common symptoms of the disease are fever, weakness and dry cough. More than 90% of patients are hospitalized due to pneumonia. The laboratory findings are most commonly lymphocytopenia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia and elevated C – reactive protein. Elderly patients and patients with comorbidities such as cardiovascular disease, chronic pulmonary disease, diabetes, malignancies, and hypertonic patients are at high risk of severe disease and fatal outcome (death). According to the latest data available in patient treatment in China, about 5% of patients have been treated in intensive care units. That number is much higher in Italy and amounts to about 16%. The mortality of patients in China is from 2-3%, while the current mortality in Italy is above 8%.
Personal protection of health care workers dealing with patients is: apron, rubber gloves, glasses, protective mask and protective suit. During aerosol generation interventions such as manual patient ventilation, tracheal intubation tracheotomy, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, fiberscopy and bronchoscopy, N95, FFP3 and P100 protective masks must be worn to protect the medical staff. Taking into consideration that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is stable and virulent on plastic surfaces for 72 hours and on metal ones for 48 hours, regular disinfection of such surfaces is required using chlorine solution at a concentration of 1000 mg/L. |