Title (english) TASTE DISORDERS
Author Frano Brezak
Mentor Miranda Muhvić-Urek (mentor)
Committee member Miranda Muhvić-Urek (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Davor Kuiš (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nataša Ivančić Jokić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Oral Medicine and Periodontology) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2020-07-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine Oral Medicine
Abstract Okus pripada jednom o pet glavnih osjetila kod čovjeka. Nastaje kao posljedica interakcije različitih kemijskih tvari s okusnim stanicama. Čovjek može osjetiti pet glavnih okusa poput slatkog, kiselog, gorkog, slanog i umami. Svaki od ovih okusa ima specifičnu ulogu kod čovjeka, poput detekcije visokokalorijske hrane ili potencijalno toksičnih tvari. Prije nego što se okus može percipirati sve kemijske tvari moraju biti u tekućoj formi. Bitnu ulogu u percepciji okusa ima slina. Slina otapa različite tvari i omogućava njihov transport do okusnih stanica. U okusnim stanicama dolazi do pretvorbe kemijske energije u elektrokemijsku. Elektrokemijska energija koja nastaje u okusnim stanicama prenosi se putem kranijalnih živaca prema središnjem živčanom sustavu u određeni centar u kojemu nastaje osjet okusa. Poremećaji okusa mogu se podijeliti na ageuziju, hipogeuziju, hipergeuziju i disgeuziju. Široki spektar uzročnika može dovesti do poremećaja okusa. Uzročnici mogu biti sve od lokalnih, koji zahvaćaju samo usnu šupljinu, pa sve do generalnih kao što su sistemske bolesti. Pri dijagnostici poremećaja osjeta okusa nužno je da terapeut od pacijenta uzme detaljnu medicnsku, dentalnu i socijalnu anamnezu i napravi detaljan klinički pregled usne šupljine, glave i vrata. Klinički dijagnostički testovi za poremećaj okusa dijele se na jednostvne i specifične. Oni služe kako bi diferencirali poremećaje okusa koji nastaju od oralnih ili neoralnih uzročnika. Liječenje poremećaja okusa ovisi o etiologiji. Za neke poremećaje potrebna je ciljanja terapija, za neke ne treba terapija dok neki poremećaji okusa nestaju spontano. U slučaju da ne postoji specifično liječenje, pacijenta je potrebno naučiti kako da se nosi s bolešću te ga uputiti u specijalističku ustanovu koja se bavi ovakvom problematikom
Abstract (english) Taste, one of the five basic human senses, is a result of interaction between different chemical substances and gustatory cells. Humans can recognize few submodalities within taste: sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami. Each of these tastes has a specific role, such as detection of high calorific food or potential toxic substances. All chemical substances have to be in liquid form before taste perception can happen. Saliva has an important role in taste perception: it acts as a dissolving medium for various substances and enables their transport to gustatory cells, where chemical energy is transformed into electrochemical energy. This electrochemical energy then travels via cranial nerves towards the central nervous system to the specific center, where sense of taste is created. Taste disorders include ageusia, hypogeusia, hypergeusia and dysgeusia, and can be caused by a wide range of miscellaneous factors. Taste disorders can vary from local (affecting only oral cavity) to general (systemic diseases).
Proper diagnosis is the first step in the treatment of taste disorders. It is important that clinician is familiar with patient's medical, dental and social history and thoroughly examines oral cavity, head and neck. Taste disorders can be evaluated via clinical tests (simple or specific), used to differentiate taste disorders caused by oral factors from those caused by non-oral factors. Taste disorder treatment depends on the etiology; some disorders require targeted therapy, while some may go away on their own.
In case there is no specific treatment, patient should be taught to cope with the disorder and referred to an institution specialized in treating taste disorders.
Poremećaji okusa
Keywords (english)
Taste disorders
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:027086
Study programme Title: Dental Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2020-11-04 09:04:48