Title Pneumotoraks u djece
Title (english) Pneumothorax in children
Author Melani Kain
Mentor Kristina Lah Tomulić (mentor)
Committee member Srđan Banac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Milardović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Srećko Severinski (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Pediatrics) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2022-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Pediatrics
Abstract Pneumotoraks označava nakupinu zraka u pleuralnom prostoru. Zrak u pleuralni prostor može ući putem dva mehanizma: traumom u slučaju ozljede torakalne stijenke, bronha ili traheje ili spontano, perforacijom pleure. Rizični faktori za razvoj pneumotoraksa su muški spol, visoki i mršavi habitus, adolescencija, mlađa odrasla dob, KOPB i pušenje. Simptomi se u većini slučajeva jave u mirovanju. Najčešće se prezentira iznenadnom pojavom dispneje i pleuritične prsne boli. Dijagnoza pneumotoraksa obično se potvrđuje metodama slikovne dijagnostike. U dijagnostici se najčešće koristi standarni PA snimak prsnog koša u uspravnom položaju. Za procjenu veličine pneumotoraksa najtočnija metoda je CT, međutim najčešće se RTG grudnih organa koristi u izračunu veličine pneumotoraksa. Kod manje djece, pneumotoraks se smatra malim ako zahvaća manje od 30% hemitoraksa i velikim ako zahvaća više od tog postotka. Zbrinjavanje pneumotoraksa u djece temeljeno je na smjernicama za odraslu populaciju. U djece s prvom epizodom PSP-a koji zahvaća manje od 30% hemitoraksa, preporuča se opservacija u bolnici. Torakalna drenaža izvodi se u bolesnika u kojih torakocenteza nije bila uspješna, u bolesnika sa rekurentnim pneumotoraksom te u većine bolesnika sa SSP. Metode kirurškog liječenja su torakotomija i VATS. Torakotomija je ostala metoda liječenja s najnižom stopom recidiva, no negativne strane metode su što dovodi do većeg gubitka krvi, veće postoperativne boli i duljeg ostanka u bolnici u odnosu na VATS.
Abstract (english) Pneumothorax refers to the accumulation of air in the pleural cavity. Air can enter the pleural space through two mechanisms: trauma in the case of injury to the thoracic wall, bronchi or trachea, or spontaneously, perforation of the pleura. Male sex, tall and thin habitus, adolescence, young adulthood, COPD and smoking are considered risk factors for the development of pneumothorax. Symptoms occur in most cases at rest. They are most often presented by the sudden onset of dyspnea and pleuritic chest pain. The diagnosis of pneumothorax is usually confirmed by imaging methods. The standard PA chest X-ray in the upright position is most often used in diagnostics. The most accurate method for estimating pneumothorax size is CT, however, chest X-rays are most commonly used to calculate pneumothorax size. In smaller children, pneumothorax is considered small if it affects less than 30% of hemitorax and large if it affects more than that percentage. The management of pneumothorax in children is based on guidelines for the adult population. In children with the first episode of PSP involving less than 30% of hemitorax, hospital observation is recommended. Thoracic drainage is performed in patients in whom thoracentesis was not successful, in patients with recurrent pneumothorax and in most patients with SSP. Methods of surgical treatment are thoracotomy and VATS. Thoracotomy remained the treatment method with the lowest recurrence rate, but the downsides are that it leads to greater blood loss, greater postoperative pain, and longer hospital stays compared to VATS.
pleuralni prostor
pleuritična prsna bol
torakalna drenaža
Keywords (english)
pleural cavity
pleuritic chest pain
thoracic drainage
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:834098
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-06-07 18:22:57