Abstract (croatian) | Nakon podsjećanja na ulogu svetaca zaštitnika u kršćanskoj tradiciji izdvojeno je sedam svetaca (Akacije, Andrea Avelino, Cirijak, Gertruda, Julijan Bolničar, Rita i Stjepan Prvomučenik) koji se
tradicionalno štuju kao zaštitnici i priskrbitelji spokojne smrti. Istraženo je njihovo prisustvo, korijeni i etnomedicinske refleksije njihovog kulta na primjeru Istre. Posebna pozornost posvećena je najzastupljenijem među njima – Stjepanu Prvomučeniku. Hagiotopografskom analizom rasprostranjenosti njegovih titulara dolazi se do dvojakoga zaključka. Budući da je u agrarnom dijelu Istre pojava bubrežnih i žučnih kamenaca razmjerno česta, sv. Stjepan je primarno štovan kao zaštitnik od litijaze, a tek posredno i
kao priskrbitelj spokojne smrti. S druge strane, isto tako je moguće da je spokojna smrt bila idealom baš u
poljoprivrednim krajevima, manje agresivnim od stočarskih, urbanih i trgovačkih sredina. Budući da u siromašnim, ruralnim sredinama i malim gradovima karakterističnima za središnju Istru nije bila razvijena institucionalizirana hospicijska skrb, u zaključku se tradicija štovanja sv. Stjepana i spomenutih svetaca zaštitnika spokojne smrti objašnjava kao osebujan refleks srednjovjekovnoga pučkog shvaćanja dostojanstvenoga umiranja. |
Abstract (english) | After recalling the role of patron saints in the Christian tradition, seven saints – Acacius, Andrea Avellino, Cyriacus, Gertrude, Julian the Hospitaller, Rita, and Stephen the Martyr – traditionally venerated
as protectors and providers of a peaceful death, have been selected. The following topics were researched: the presence and roots of these patron saints, and the ethnomedicinal reflections of their cult in the example of the Istrian peninsula in western Croatia. Particular attention has been given to the most represented among them – St. Stephen the Protomartyr. A hagiographic and topographic analysis of the distribution of the places or religious buildings bearing his name leads to two different conclusions. On the one hand, since
kidney and gallstone problems occur relatively frequently in the agricultural part of Istria, St. Stephen is primarily venerated there as a protector against lithiasis, and only indirectly as a provider of a peaceful death. On the other hand, it is also possible that a peaceful death was an ideal precisely in the agricultural parts of the region, which were less aggressive than the centres of cattle breeding and trade, or urban areas.
Since the poorer rural areas and villages, which are typical of the central part of Istria, did not have a developed institution of hospice care, and to conclude the tradition of worshipping St. Stephen and the other saints mentioned, providers of a peaceful death, is now explained as a specific reflection of the popular medieval understanding of dignified dying. |