Abstract | Ručni zglob je najkompleksniji dio mišićno-koštanog sustava i često je izložen ozljedama i
degenerativnim bolestima. Degenerativne promjene ručnog zgloba mogu biti uzrokovane
upalnim artritisima, OA i drugim čimbenicima. OA je najčešći oblik artritisa i utječe na
hrskavicu, kosti, ligamente i mišiće ručnog zgloba. Napredovanje bolesti dovodi do bolova,
ukočenosti, slabosti mišića i nestabilnosti zgloba, što utječe na svakodnevne aktivnosti.
Konvencionalno liječenje uključuje primjenu protuupalnih lijekova i nošenje udlaga, ali ne
može zaustaviti degeneraciju zgloba. TWAD je tradicionalna operacija za liječenje
napredovalih artritičnih promjena, ali od nedavno se sve više koristi TWA koja održava
pokretljivost zgloba i omogućuje obavljanje svakodnevnih aktivnosti. Svrha ovog rada je
prikazati metodu TWA, njene prednosti i nedostatke te je usporediti s drugim metodama
liječenja. Također, opisana je anatomija i biomehanika ručnog zgloba, te degenerativne
promjene koje mogu utjecati na funkciju ručnog zgloba. U radu se detaljno opisuju povijest,
indikacije i rezultati TWA operacije, kao i moguće komplikacije i nedostaci ove metode.
Također se uspoređuju rezultati TWA s drugim metodama liječenja artritisa. |
Abstract (english) | The wrist joint is the most complex part of the musculoskeletal system and is often subjected
to injuries and degenerative diseases. Degenerative changes in the wrist joint can be caused
by inflammatory arthritis, OA, and other factors. OA is the most common form of arthritis
and affects the cartilage, bones, ligaments, and muscles of the wrist joint. The progression of
the disease leads to pain, stiffness, muscle weakness, and joint instability, which impact daily
activities. Conventional treatment includes the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and wearing
splints, but it cannot stop joint degeneration. Two-stage wrist arthroplasty (TWAD) is a
traditional surgery for treating advanced arthritic changes, but recently, total wrist
arthroplasty (TWA) has been increasingly used, as it preserves joint mobility and enables the
performance of daily activities. The purpose of this study is to present the TWA method, its
advantages and disadvantages, and compare it with other treatment methods. Additionally,
the anatomy and biomechanics of the wrist joint, and degenerative changes that can affect the
function of the wrist are reviewed. The study provides a detailed description of the history,
indications, and results of TWA surgery, as well as possible complications and drawbacks of
this method. Furthermore, the results of TWA are compared to other arthritis treatment
methods. |