Title Analiza mineralne faze tla rendgenskom difrakcijom
Title (english) Analysis of the soil mineral phase by X-ray diffraction
Author Davor Kopilović
Mentor Mirna Petković-Didović (mentor)
Committee member Dalibor Broznić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marin Tota (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirna Petković-Didović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-09-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Chemistry
Abstract Premda je rendgenska difrakcija X-zraka (XRD) često korištena tehnika za analizu mineraloške faze tla, još uvijek ne postoji konsenzus oko optimalnog načina pripreme uzorka tla prije XRD analize: je li bolje žarenjem ukloniti organsku fazu tla i tako „ekstrahirati“ čistu mineralošku fazu, ili je bolje XRD analizu primijeniti na što manje obrađenim, gotovo izvornim uzorcima tla, unatoč iznimnoj složenosti tla kao matrice? U ovom su radu zato analizirana dva primorska i jedno kontinentalno tlo: Slavonska crnica, Bor Plase i Bukva Zlobin. Za jednu seriju mjerenja uzorci su samo pročišćeni od krupnih sastavnica tla te prosijani kroz sito veličine rupica 1 mm. Za drugu su seriju mjerenja uzorci žareni 8 h pri 480 °C, nakon čega je analiziran nastali pepeo. Ispitivanje optimalne metode pripreme uzorka, a zatim i analiza difraktograma napravljena je sa svrhom kvalitativnog određivanja mineraloškog sastava tla, kao jednog od najznačajnijih utjecaja na fizikalno-kemijska svojstva tla. Kod primorskih je tala utvrđeno da je kvarc dominantna mineraloška faza, u skladu s velikim udjelom pijeska, dok kod crnice dominira drugi polimorf silicijevog dioksida. U svim su tlima detektirane gline, ali različitih vrsta: kod crnice muskovit, a kod primorskih tala montmorilonit i nakrit. Osim toga, rezultati su pokazali drastične razlike između difraktograma pročišćenih tala i istih nakon žarenja. Termička obrada uzrokovala je razgradnju nekih komponenti, fazne prijelaze u druge polimorfe te povećanje količine amorfne faze. Difraktogrami pepela sadržavali su faze nedetektirane kod izvornih tala. Iz toga proizlazi da za analizu tla rendgenskom difrakcijom priprema uzoraka predstavlja ključan faktor koji određuje relevantnost analize, pri čemu je optimalna minimalna priprema uzoraka i izbjegavanje termičke obrade.
Abstract (english) Even though the X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a usual method for soil mineralogical analysis, there is still no consensus regarding the optimal sample preparation method: is it better to use combustion in order to remove the organic phase and extract the mineralogical phase, or is it preferred to perform the XRD analysis on a minimally prepared, almost pristine sample, despite the enormous complexity of soil as a matrix? In this work we thus analysed two coastal and one continental soil. For the first series of measurements, the samples were just sieved through the 1-mm mesh after removing the coarse soil constituents. For the second series, the samples were combusted for 8 h at 480 °C, and the resulting ash was analysed. The optimisation of sample preparation, and the subsequent XRD data analysis was performed in order to determine the qualitative soil mineralogical composition, as it represents one of the most influential feature determining soil physico-chemical properties. For coastal soils, quarts was established as a dominant phase, in accordance with a large sand percentage common in those soils, while different silicon dioxide polymorph dominates the continental soil composition. Clays were found in all the soils, but of different kinds: muscovite for a continental soil, montmorillonite and nacrite for coastal soils. The results also showed pronounced differences between pristine soils and ash samples after combustion. The combustion caused thermal degradation of some components, phase transitions to different polimorphs, and elevated amounts of amorphous phase. Ash difractograms contained phases undetected in pristine samples’ results. The results thus indicate that sample preparation is a crucial factor determining the relevancy of the XRD analysis, the best option being the minimal sample preparation and avoidance of combustion.
mineraloška analiza
rendgenska difrakcija
kristalna struktura
Keywords (english)
mineralogical analysis
X-ray diffraction
crystal structure
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:174889
Study programme Title: Study of Sanitary Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sanitarnog inženjerstva (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sanitarnog inženjerstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-09-14 07:13:26