Title (croatian) ETIKA I SPORT
Title (english) ETHICS AND SPORT
Author Morana Brkljačić
Author's institution University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Social Sciences and Medical Humanities)
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Integrative Bioethics (Natural, Technical, Biomedical and Healthcare, Social and Humanistic Sciences)
Abstract (croatian) SAŽETAK
Etika je znanost o moralu. Pod pojmom morala najčešće
se razumijeva sustav normi ili pravila ljudskog ponašanja.
Vezano uz sport, najbliži je pojam “autonomija morala”.
Riječ je o moralnim principima tolerancije, humanosti
te poštovanja potreba drugih. Kada se spominju termini
etika i sport ili etičnost današnjeg sporta, najučestalije je
promišljanje o negativnim, neetičnim aspektima sporta
poput dopinga, mita, korupcije i velikih materijalnih
zarada vođenih isključivo idejom uspjeha i pobjede.
Suvremeni je sport na vjetrometini stalnog etičkoga propitivanja
i iskušenja ponajprije zbog utilitarističkog pristupa.
Sport uključuje razne rizike poput gospodarstvenog
upletanja i postizanja uspjeha pod svaku cijenu, a
istovremeno je sredstvo propagande u međunarodnoj
politici. Potvrđuju to brojna zbivanja povezana s
dobivanjem domaćinstva svjetskih prvenstava, olimpijada,
paraolimpijada i sl. Sportaši tako postaju borci za
prestiž svoje države-nacije i jednostavno ne smiju biti
bolesni, odnosno nezdravi, pa makar pod cijenu vlastita
zdravlja i unatoč savjetu sportskih liječnika.
Informirana suglasnost (informed consent) upućena
ozlijeđenom sportašu radi njegova izbora terapije, postaje
upitna i uvelike balansira između izbora kvalitetnoga
medicinskog oporavka i onog brzog koji ga za što kraće
vrijeme vraća “na teren”.
Abstract (english) SUMMARY
Ethics is the science of moral. Under the concept of
moral the most acceptable definition is that is a system
of norms and rules of human behaviour. In the relationship
with sport the nearest concept is »moral’s authonomy
» which include the moral aspects of tolerancy,
humanity and respect. Intention to make a link between
termins as ethics and sports are, the most revolve in
one’s mind are negative (non-ethics) feedback such as
dopping, bribes, corruptions and profits motivated with
just one goal – triumph and victory.
Contemporary sport is permanent under ethics enquiring
temptation because of utilitaristic admission. Sport
present risk, like economy interlacing in the name of
triumph no metter of the concequences and in the same
time resour of politics propaganda on international
level. The provement of that lies in lots of examples
such as hostility of world’s championships, olimpic and
paraolimpic games. Consider that the athletes use to be
fighters for reputation of their countries- nations and
they musn’t be sich and unhealthy no metter of physicians
Informed consent, initiated to the injured athlete in the
name of choosing the best way of treatmens, balance
between quality (rational medical treatment) and profit
(fastest return into «arena»).
Keywords (croatian)
informirana suglasnost
Keywords (english)
informed consent
Language croatian
Publication type Other - Other
Publication status Published
Peer review Peer review
Publication version Published version
Journal title Medicina Fluminensis : Medicina Fluminensis
Numbering vol. 43., no. 3, pp. 230-233
p-ISSN 0025-7729
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:301832
Publication 2007-09-20
Document URL http://hrcak.srce.hr/23435
Type of resource Text
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-04-27 17:01:04