Title Kirurško liječenje karcinoma testisa
Title (english) Surgical treatment of testicular cancer
Author Tamara Hunjak
Mentor Dean Markić (mentor)
Committee member Stanislav Sotošek (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Romano Oguić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Josip Španjol (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024-06-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Urology
Abstract Tumori testisa predstavljaju jedno od važnijih zdravstvenih pitanja koje pogađa mlade muškarce širom svijeta. Iako su relativno rijetki u usporedbi s drugim vrstama karcinoma, njihova učestalost raste, posebno među muškarcima starosti između 15 i 35 godina. Svaka vrsta tumora ima svoje specifične karakteristike, prognozu i terapijske opcije, što naglašava važnost detaljnog histopatološkog pregleda i individualiziranog pristupa liječenju. Ultrasonografija skrotuma preferirana je inicijalna slikovna metoda za procjenu testikularne tvorbe. Radikalna orhiektomija je i dijagnostička i terapijska metoda koja se koristi kod sumnje na rak testisa. Odluka o nastavku operativne intervencije kod muškarca sa sumnjom na rak testisa donosi se nakon pažljivog razmatranja svih dostupnih podataka, uključujući kliničke nalaze, slikovne pretrage i tumorske markere u serumu. Inguinalna eksploracija s radikalnom orhidektomijom (RO) zlatni je standard za početno liječenje bilo koje tvorbe testisa sumnjive na malignost. Dugotrajne psihološke ili socijalne komplikacije zbog odsutnosti testisa mogu se ublažiti upotrebom testikularne proteze. Iako se velika većina relapsa javlja unutar prvih pet godina i za seminom i za NSGCT, mogu se pojaviti kasni recidivi. Stoga je praćenje najintenzivnije prve godine do dvije nakon liječenja, a zatim se postupno smanjuje. Operacija koja štedi organe, također poznata kao poštedna operacija testisa (TSS) ili djelomična orhiektomija, kirurški je pristup kojem je cilj ukloniti tumor uz očuvanje zdravog tkiva i funkcije testisa. Kada se štedi dio testisa koji nosi tumor, veliki je problem visoka prevalencija susjednih žarišta neoplazije zametnih stanica in situ, koja je prisutna u čak 85 posto bolesnika. Poštedna operacija testisa smatra se održivom opcijom za bolesnike sa sumnjom na benigne tumore ili nesigurne tvorbe s negativnim tumorskim markerima, u slučajevima istovremenih bilateralnih tumora ili tumora u jednom testisu, ali samo u kombinaciji s pregledom zamrznutog reza.
Abstract (english) Testicular tumors represent one of the most important health issues affecting young men worldwide. These tumors are considered relatively rare compared to other types of cancer, but their incidence is increasing, especially among men between the ages of 15 and 35. Each type of tumor has its own specific characteristics, prognosis and therapeutic options, which emphasizes the importance of a detailed examination and an individualized approach to treatment. Scrotal ultrasonography is the preferred initial imaging method for testicular mass assessment. Radical orchiectomy is both a diagnostic and therapeutic method used in suspected testicular cancer. After detailed clinical findings, imaging studies and serum tumor markers, the decision to proceed with operative intervention is made. Inguinal exploration with radical orchidectomy (RO) is the gold standard for the initial management of any testicular mass that is suspected to be malignant. Testicular prosthesis can alleviate long-term psychological or social impact due to the absence of a testicle. Although most relapses occur within the first five years for seminomas and NSGCT, late relapses can also occur. Therefore, patients are monitored most intensively for the first one to two years after treatment, and then rarely as time passes by. Testicular-sparing surgery (TSS) or partial orchiectomy, is a surgical approach that aims to remove the tumor while preserving healthy testicular tissue and function. When the part of the testis with the tumor is spared, a big problem is the high prevalence of germ cell neoplasia in situ found nearby, which is present in as many as 85 percent of cases. Testis-sparing surgery is considered a viable option for patients with suspected benign tumors or uncertain masses with negative tumor markers, in cases of simultaneous bilateral tumors or tumors in one testis, but only in combination with frozen section examination.
: tumori testisa
retroperitonealna limfadenektomija
Keywords (english)
: testicular neoplasms
retroperitoneal lymph node dissection
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:219548
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-07-06 11:50:23