Title Otoplastika
Title (english) Otoplasty
Author Luka Kalogjera
Mentor Ivan Rašić (mentor)
Committee member Alan Pegan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mihael Ries (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Rašić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Othorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Otorhinolaryngology
Abstract Otoplastika je kirurška procedura usmjerena na korekciju kongenitalnih ili stečenih deformiteta
ušnih školjki, s ciljem poboljšanja estetskog izgleda i funkcionalnosti uha. Odstojeće uši
zahvaćaju otprilike 5% populacije i najčešći su razlog za otoplastiku. Spomenuta deformacija
izaziva značajan emocionalni stres, osobito kod djece, te može dovesti do poteškoća u
socijalizaciji i do manjka samopouzdanja. U otoplastici postoje brojni kirurški pristupi kao što su
Mustarde tehnika, Furnasova
... More tehnika, Converse tehnika i mnoge druge. Izbor kirurške metode
ovisi o anatomskoj strukturi uške svakog pojedinog pacijenta prilikom čega se moraju uvažiti
njegovi zahtjevi u okviru mogućega. Svaka kirurška tehnika ima svoje prednosti i nedostatke koji
će biti važan čimbenik u odabiru same metode otoplastike. Istraživanja su pokazala da pravilno
izvedena otoplastika može značajno utjecati na izgled i samopouzdanje pacijenata što za
posljedicu ima smanjeni psihološki stres i bolju društvenu integraciju. Relativno rijetke, no
moguće, komplikacije mogu uključivati hematome, infekcije, keloide i nezadovoljavajuće estetske
rezultate. Važne mjere za umanjivanje rizika uključuju detaljnu preoperativnu obradu pacijenta,
optimalnu kiruršku tehniku i postoperativnu njegu. Nekirurške metode otoplastike i minimalno
invazivne metode smanjuju učestalost komplikacija i dovode do boljih rezultata operativnog
zahvata i kraćeg postoperativnog oporavka. Unatoč estetskim i funkcionalnim benefitima koji
proizlaze iz otoplastike, treba naglasiti da vrijednost pojedinca nije definirana nijednim fizičkim
nedostatkom. Pred roditeljima djece koja imaju deformitet ušiju je izazovna i teška odluka o tome
hoće li podvrgnuti vlastito dijete operativnom zahvatu ili će ga pokušati pripremiti na moguće
društvene osude i neprihvaćanje. Svakako je cilj otoplastike pokušati poporaviti kvalitetu života
pacijenata, ali isto tako je od velike važnosti važno promovirati društvenu inkluziju i prihvaćanje
okoline. Otoplastika ima značajan potencijal za poboljšanje kvalitete života pacijenata uz
minimalan rizik od komplikacija. Za postizanje još boljih rezultata otoplastike, daljna istraživanja i
napredak medicinske tehnologije su od krucijalne važnosti. Less
Abstract (english) Otoplasty is a surgical procedure aimed at correcting congenital or acquired deformities of the
auricles, to improve the aesthetic appearance and functionality of the ear. Protruding ears affect
approximately 5% of the population and are the most common reason for otoplasty. The
aforementioned deformity causes significant emotional stress, especially in children, and can
lead to difficulties in socialization and a lack of self-confidence. In otoplasty, there are numerous
... More approaches such as the Mustarde, Furnas, Converse, and many others. The choice of
surgical method depends on the anatomical structure of each patient's ear, during which his
requirements must be respected as much as possible. Each surgical technique has its
advantages and disadvantages, which will be an important factor in choosing the otoplasty
method itself. Research has shown that properly performed otoplasty can significantly affect the
appearance and self-confidence of patients, resulting in reduced psychological stress and better
social integration. Relatively rare, but possible, complications may include hematomas,
infections, keloids, and unsatisfactory aesthetic results. Important measures to minimize risk
include detailed preoperative patient workup, optimal surgical technique, and postoperative care.
Non-surgical methods of otoplasty and minimally invasive methods reduce the frequency of
complications and lead to better results of the operation and shorter postoperative recovery.
Despite the aesthetic and functional benefits resulting from otoplasty, it should be emphasized
that the value of an individual is not defined by any physical deficiency. Parents of children with
ear deformities face a challenging decision about whether to subject their child to surgery or
whether to try to prepare him for possible social condemnation and non-acceptance. The goal of
otoplasty is to try to improve the quality of life of patients. Still, it is also of great importance to
promote social inclusion and acceptance of the environment. Otoplasty has a significant potential
to improve the quality of life of patients with a minimal risk of complications. To achieve even
better results of otoplasty, further research and advances in medical technology are of crucial
importance. Less
odstojeće uši
Mustarde tehnika
Converse tehnika
Keywords (english)
protruding ears
Mustarde technique
Converse technique
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:825448
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-07-08 11:25:49