Title Razlike u prehrambenim navikama učenica strukovnih škola i gimnazija
Title (english) Differences in eating habits of vocational school and high school students
Author Sandra Samošćanec
Mentor Sanja Musić Milanović (mentor)
Committee member Mirjana Kujundžić-Tiljak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vera Musil (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Musić Milanović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Medical Statistics, Epidemiology and Medical Informatics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-09-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Nutrition Nutritional Science
Abstract Uvod: Doba adolescencije važno životno razdoblje za formiranje i stjecanje prehrambenih navika te predstavlja važno razdoblje za prevenciju bolesti uzrokovanih nepravilnom prehranom. Cilj: Utvrditi prehrambene navike učenica trećih razreda strukovne škole i gimnazije te ispitati razlike prehrambenih navika obzirom na vrstu škole. Ispitanici i metode rada: Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 68 učenica u dobi 16-17 godina iz dvije škole u Zagrebu, jednoj gimnaziji - Klasična gimnazija i jednoj strukovnoj školi – Školi za medicinske sestre Mlinarska. Istraživanje je provedeno u školskoj godini 2015/2016. Za analizu varijabli koje su pokazale normalnu distribuciju je primijenjen Hi kvadrat test, a zbog odmaka od normalne distribucije u analizi je primijenjen i neparametrijski analitički postupak (Mann-Whitneyev test). Rezultati: Prehrambene navike među učenicama gimnazije i strukovne škole loše su i vrlo slične. Brzu hranu više puta tjedno jede čak 60% učenica, njih polovina ne doručkuje, tek 22% gimnazijalki i 35% učenica medicinske strukovne škole svakodnevno jede voće i povrće, dok meso svakodnevno konzumira čak 70% učenica. 44% učenica svakodnevno jede slatkiše, a tek 26% gimnazijalki i 19% učenica medicinske strukovne škole svakodnevno pije mlijeko. Samo je u učestalosti konzumacije brze hrane i ribe nađena značajna razlika između dvije uspoređivane skupine, a obje namirnice češće konzumiraju učenice strukovne škole. Usprkos sličnim prehrambenim navikama, indeks tjelesne mase od 21,29 kg/m2 u gimnazijalki u usporedbi s 23,90 kg/m2 u učenica strukovne škole značajno je niži (p=0,03), što korelira i sa značajno boljom osobnom procjenom prehrambenih navika (p=0,05) i značajno rjeđim držanjem dijete (p=0,16) u gimnazijalki. Zaključak: Učenice gimnazije i strukovne škole imaju slične prehrambene navike. Učenice gimnazije nižeg su indeksa tjelesne mase, zadovoljnije osobnim prehrambenim navikama i rjeđe su na dijeti u usporedbi s učenicama strukovne škole.
Abstract (english) Introduction: Adolescence is an important period in life for forming and acquiring eating habits and represents an important period for preventing diseases caused by unhealthy nutrition. Goal: To determine eating habits among female students attending third grades of vocational and grammar schools, and determine differences in eating habits with respect to the type of school they attend. Respondents and methods: The research was conducted on a sample of 68 female students aged 16-17 from two schools in Zagreb, one grammar school – Classical grammar school and one vocational school – School for nurses Mlinarska. The research was conducted during the school year 2015/2016. For the analysis of variables with a normal distribution the χ2 test was used and due to the variation from the normal distribution a nonparametric analytical procedure was (Mann-Whitney test) was used in the analysis. Results: Eating habits among the female students of grammar and vocational schools are poor and very similar. Fast food is consumed several times a week by as much as 60% of students, a half of them does not eat breakfast, only 22% of grammar school students and 35% students attending the vocational school for nurses eat fruit and vegetables daily while meat is consumed daily by as much as 70% of students. Sweets are consumed daily by 44% of students and only 26% of grammar school students while 19% students of the vocational school for nurses drink milk daily. Statistical difference for the two compared groups was found only in the consumption of fast food and fish, both of which are consumed more often by vocational school attendees. Despite similar eating habits, body mass index of 21,29 kg/m2 among grammar school students is significantly lower (p=0,03) in comparison to 23,90 kg/m2 among vocational school students, which correlates with a significantly better personal assessment of eating habits (p=0,05) and significantly lesser dieting (p=0,16) in grammar school students. Conclusion: Grammar school students and vocational school students have similar eating habits. Grammar school students have a lower body mass index, are more satisfied with their personal eating habits and diet less often compared to vocational school students.
prehrambene navike
indeks tjelesne mase
Keywords (english)
eating habits
body mass index
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:827685
Study programme Title: Studies in Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-03-09 12:57:55