Title Debljina kao rizik za moždani udar
Title (english) Obesity as a risk for stroke
Author Iva Kukal
Mentor Sanja Musić Milanović (mentor)
Committee member Mirjana Kujundžić-Tiljak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ervina Bilić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Musić Milanović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Medical Statistics, Epidemiology and Medical Informatics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care Epidemiology
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care Public Health
Abstract Debljina i moždani udar veliki su javnozdravstveni problemi diljem svijeta. Debljina je definirana kao stanje prekomjernog nakupljanja masnog tkiva koje može narušiti zdravlje. Debljinom se smatra povećanje indeksa tjelesne mase ≥ 30,00 kg/m². Pod pojmom moždani udar se podrazumijeva naglo nastali žarišni ili, rjeđe, globalni gubitak moždane funkcije/funkcija sa simptomima koji traju duže od 24 sata ili dovode do smrti, a može se objasniti samo poremećajem moždane cirkulacije odnosno perfuzije.
... More U svijetu je više od 700 milijuna odraslih s debljinom, dok u Hrvatskoj petina stanovništva ima indeks tjelesne mase ≥ 30,00 kg/m². Procjenjuje se da u svijetu godišnje od moždanog udara oboli 17 milijuna ljudi, a 4 milijuna godišnje umre od moždanog udara ili od njegovih komplikacija. Za obje je bolesti karakteristično povećanje prevalencije i povezanost sa cijelim spektrom različitih zdravstvenih stanja i komplikacija. Osim toga, uzrokuju znatne gubitke za društvo, osobito ekonomske i socijalne. Debljina predstavlja veliko opterećenje za zdravstveni sustav zbog brojnih i teških komplikacija koje uzrokuje, a moždani udar zbog visoke smrtnosti i invaliditeta oboljelih.
Mnoga istraživanja pokazuju postojanje jasne povezanosti između debljine i moždanog udara. Odnos između ova dva stanja je vrlo kompleksan i obuhvaća različite patofiziološke mehanizme. Debljina može djelovati kao primarni čimbenik rizika te neposredno uzrokovati moždani udar. Naime, debljina je proupalno stanje, a poznato je da svako stanje sistemske upale povećava rizik za nastank ateroskleroze i tromboze odgovornih za nastanak moždanog udara. Ona može biti udružena s drugim čimbenicima rizika poput hipertenzije, dislipidemije, šećerne bolesti tipa 2, metaboličkog sindroma, koronarne srčane bolesti, fibrilacije atrija, migrene te apneje tijekom spavanja. Ta stanja su samo neke od brojnih komplikacija debljine, a istovremeno su i rizični čimbenici za nastanak moždanog udara. Kod debljine udružene sa sekundarnim čimbenicima rizika postoji i sinergističko djelovanje dvaju ili više čimbenika koji dodatno povisuju rizik za moždani udar. Less
Abstract (english) Obesity and stroke are major public health problems worldwide. Obesity is defined as a condition of excessive accumulation of fat tissue which can deteriorate health. Obesity is considered as an increase in body mass index ≥ 30,00 kg/m². The term stroke is considered as a suddenly incurred focal or rarely, a global loss of brain function/functions with symptoms which last longer than 24 hours or lead to death, and can be explained only by a brain circulation disorder or perfusion. There are
... More more than 700 million obese adults in the world, while in Croatia a fifth of the population has a body mass index ≥ 30,00 kg/m². It is estimated that annually 17 million people in the world have suffered from a stroke, and 4 million people annually die from a stroke or its complications. A characteristic for both diseases is an increase of prevalence and a connection with the whole spectrum of different health conditions and complications. Moreover they cause significant losses for society, especially economic and social ones. Obesity represents a big burden for the health care system because of the numerous and serious complications caused by a stroke due to high mortality and disability of patients. Many studies have shown the existence of a clear connection between obesity and stroke. The relationship between these two conditions is very complex and includes different pathophyisiological mechanisms. Obesity can act as a primary risk factor and can directly cause stroke. Nevertheless obesity is a proinflammatory condition, and it is known that each condition of systemic inflammation increases the risk of atherosclerosis and thrombosis responsible for stroke. It may be associated with other risk factors such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, coronary heart disease, atrial fibrillation, migraine and sleep apnea. These conditions are just some of the numerous complications caused by obesity, but at the same time they are risk factors for stroke. In obesity associated with secondary risk factors, there is a synergical effect of two or more factors which increase the risk of stroke. Less
moždani udar
čimbenici rizika
Keywords (english)
risk factors
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:654580
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2017-07-04 07:26:37