Title Psihosomatska medicina nekad i danas
Title (english) Psychosomatic medicine then and now
Author Sonja Hleb
Mentor Marijana Braš (mentor)
Committee member Veljko Đorđević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražen Begić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Braš (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Psychiatry and Psychological Medicine) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Psychiatry
Abstract Psihosomatska medicina bavi se proučavanjem odnosa između uma i tijela. Njezin razvoj i put do prihvaćanja kao medicinske subspecijalnosti bio je dugačak i prepun uspona i padova.
Kroz povijest provlačile su se razne teorije u vezi s funkcioniranjem tijela i uzrocima nastanka bolesti. U početku su se sve pojave u medicini objašnjavale s pomoću raznoraznih nadnaravnih sila i bile su pod utjecajem religije i crkve. Tek slabljenjem crkvenog autoriteta počinje se razvijati medicina kakvu danas poznajemo, bazirana na konkretnim znanstveno dokazanim činjenicama. U slučaju psihosomatske medicine, jedna od najvećih prepreka u prepoznavanju interakcije uma i tijela jest činjenica da je bolest definirana kao somatski parametar, isključujući psihosocijalne čimbenike. Iz tog razloga oduvijek se liječila bolest, ali ne i čovjek kao cjelina. Značajnu ulogu u njezinom razvoju imali su Sigmund Freud, s psihoanalitičkom teorijom, i Georg Engel, koji je uveo tzv. biopsihosocijalni model. Tim modelom naglašavao je važnost psihosocijalnih čimbenika u zdravlju i bolesti. Zahvaljujući brojnim studijama, pogotovo onima vezanim uz stres i peptički ulkus, ideje psihosomatske medicine postaju sve više prihvaćene.
Uvodi se konzultativno-suradna psihijatrija u opće bolnice. Ona predstavlja kliničku primjenu principa psihosomatske medicine pružajući psihološku potporu svim tjelesno oboljelim pacijentima. Zahvaljujući konzultativno-suradnim programima skraćen je boravak pacijenata u bolnici, čime je ostvarena financijska ušteda i poboljšana kvaliteta života. Sve je to dovelo do priznavanja psihosomatske medicine kao subspecijalističkog područja 2003. godine. Ona se danas bavi pružanjem psihijatrijske potpore pacijentima s kompleksnim medicinskim poremećajima. Uz to, razvijaju se nove grane poput psihonefrologije, psihoonkologije, psihodermatologije, psihokardiologije, uključujući brojne studije koje intenzivno istražuju interakciju uma i tijela u tim specifičnim područjima.
Abstract (english) Psychosomatic medicine is the study of the relationship between the mind and the body. Even though it is now accepted as a medical subspecialty, the journey to its recognition was very long and difficult.
Throughout the history, humans have contemplated the functioning of the body and many theories have come up in an attempt to explain the causes of diseases. However, the success of this attempt was aggravated by the omnipresence of religion and the Church. Once the Church’s power weakened, modern medicine started to develop. In medicine, every idea has to be scientifically proven and when it comes to psychosomatic medicine, one of the biggest obstacles was establishing proper parameters. Somatic was the only cause taken, excluding the influences of psychosocial factors. Thus, only the disease was treated, while the person ignored. That is, until Sigmund Freud (psychoanalytic theory) and Georg Engel (biopsychosomatic model) came along. This model emphasized the importance of psychosocial factors in health and disease. Thanks to numerous studies, especially ones connected to stress and peptic ulcer, the ideas of psychosomatic medicine began to gain recognition.
Consultation-liaison psychiatry, the representative of clinical application of psychosomatic medicine principles, is implemented in general hospitals providing psychologic support to all patients with somatic illnesses. This program has led to lesser in-hospital time, enabled financial savings and improved the quality of life. These developments brought much-awaited recognition of psychosomatic medicine as a subspecialty in 2003. Today, its main task is providing psychiatric support for patients with complex medical disorders. Furthermore, new fields such as psychonephrology, psychooncology, psychodermatology and psychocardiology are being developed. These studies try to instigate body/mind relationship and are promising.
psihosomatska medicina
biopsihosocijalni model
konzultativno-suradna psihijatrija
Keywords (english)
psychosomatic medicine
biopsychosocial model
consultation-liaison psychiatry
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:118834
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2017-08-09 11:38:20