Title Uloga medicinske sestre u radu s obiteljima ovisnika o opijatima
Title (english) Role of nurses in working with families of opioid addicts
Author Ljiljana De Lai
Mentor Venija Cerovečki Nekić (mentor)
Committee member Hrvoje Tiljak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zlata Ožvačić Adžić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Venija Cerovečki Nekić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Family Medicine) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care Family Medicine
Abstract Ovisnost je bolest mozga, što su dokazala mnoga neuroznanstvena istraživanja a ponašanje ovisnika je rezultat funkcionalnog oštećenja struktura mozga odgovornih za donošenje odluka, strateško razmišljanje, planiranje i doživljaj ugode što dovodi do učestalih recidiva ako se ovisnika ne zaštiti farmakoterapijom. Zbog visoke adiktivnosti, opijati, a naročito heroin, nakon samo mjesec dana redovitog uzimanja, izazvat će tešku sliku fizičke i psihičke ovisnosti. Ovisnici u najvećem broju žive u primarnoj ili sekundarnoj obitelji, stoga posljedice bolesti ovisnosti zahvaćaju sve članove obitelji. Etiologija ovisnosti vezana je za više čimbenika koji su najčešće isprepleteni, a među najznačajnijima su disfunkcionalnost obitelji, biopsihološka dispozicija te karakteristike okruženja vezane za dostupnost droga, utjecaj supkulture vršnjačkih skupina, trendovi zabave, kvaliteta školskih programa te programa prevencije. Obitelj kao temeljna jedinica društva ima najznačajniju ulogu u zaštiti djece a odgojni stilovi i utjecaj različitih društvenih okolnosti važno mjesto u razvoju ličnosti. Istraživanja dokazuju da su autoritarni, preliberalni i odgoj neprilagođen potrebama djeteta najčešći odgojni pristupi u kojima su odrastali ovisnici. Liječenje je proces koji traje godinama. Uspostava biopsihološke funkcionalnosti mozga farmakoterapijom preduvjet je za uključivanje ovisnika u liječenje koji provodi multidisciplinarni tim u kojem medicinska sestra ima značajno mjesto jer je prva linija prihvaćanja ovisnika i njegove obitelji u proces liječenja. Obiteljska terapija je neizostavni dio u tom procesu, a obiteljski terapeut ima mjesto kao „vanjski“ pridruženi član obitelji koji sudjeluje u radu tako da na nepristran i objektivan način prati, analizira i procjenjuje odnose u obitelji te potiče promjene s ciljem kvalitetnijih odnosa i bolje funkcionalnosti.
Abstract (english) Numerous neuroscientific researches studies have proved that addiction is a brain disease, and behaviour of an addict is the result of a functional damage of brain structures responsible for decision-making, strategic thinking, planning and experiencing pleasure, which leads to frequent relapses unless the addict is undergoing pharmacotherapy. Due to their high addictiveness, opiates, especially heroin, cause severe physical and mental addiction after only one month of regular use. Addicts mostly live in a primary or secondary family, so the consequences of addiction as a disease affect all family members. Aetiology of addiction is related to several factors, which are most often intertwined. Some of the most significant factors are family dysfunctionality, bio-psychological inclination, characteristics of one’s environment related to availability of drugs, influence of peer subculture, entertainment trends, quality of school and prevention programmes. As the basic unit of society, family plays a significant role in the protection of children, while parenting styles and influence of various social circumstances play an important role in personality development. Research shows that the most common types of parenting styles in which addicts are brought up are the following: authoritarian, overly permissive or maladjusted to the needs of the child. Treatment is a years-long process. Establishing psychobiological functionality of the brain through pharmacotherapy is a prerequisite for including an addict in a course of treatment. Such treatment is conducted by a multidisciplinary team in which a nurse plays a significant role as the person who welcomes the addict and their family to the treatment process. Within that process, family therapy is crucial and family therapist assumes the role of an “outside” associated family member that takes part in the process and objectively observes, analyses and evaluates family relations, encouraging change with better quality and functionality of relationships in mind.
obiteljska terapija
Keywords (english)
family therapy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:088512
Study programme Title: Studies in Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2018-03-21 11:39:59