Title Utjecaj izloženosti buci na sluh ljudi
Title (english) Effect of noise exposure on human hearing
Author Marin Smolić
Mentor Mihael Ries (mentor)
Committee member Marko Velimir Grgić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jakov Ajduk (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mihael Ries (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Othorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Otorhinolaryngology
Abstract Zagađenje bukom raširena je pojava diljem svijeta. Izloženost visokim razinama buke negativno utječe na više organskih sustava u ljudskom tijelu i tako uzrokuje uzrujanost, smetnje spavanja, kardiovaskularne bolesti i kognitivne smetnje u djece. Utjecaj buke na slušni sustav ljudi posebno je važan zbog ireverzibilnosti nastalih promjena. Oštećenje sluha uzrokovano bukom najčešći je sprječivi uzrok gubitka sluha. Ovo je, također, najprevalentnija profesionalna bolest u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Patofiziološki, uzrok oštećenja sluha uzrokovanog bukom jest oštećenje stanica s dlačicama pužnice. Takvo oštećenje može biti uzrokovano izloženošću jednom kratkom vrlo intenzivnom zvuku (akustička trauma) ili kroničnom izloženošću povišenim razinama buke. Akutni utjecaj buke na sluh klinički se očituje prolaznim tinitusom, osjećajem punoće u ušima te prigušenošću zvukova, ali kronično oštećenje ne prate očiti simptomi poput boli ili krvarenja te nema lako uočive deformacije. Poremećaji sluha uzrokovani bukom dijagnosticiraju se tonskom audiometrijom, govornom audiometrijom te otoakustičkom emisijom. Karakterističan nalaz za oštećenje sluha uzrokovano bukom je „urez buke“ (eng. noise notch) na frekvenciji od 4 kHz na tonskom audiogramu. Terapijski pristup kod oštećenja sluha uzrokovanog bukom bazira se na nefarmakološkim mjerama poboljšanja kvalitete života bolesnika, primjerice slušnim pomagalima. Intenzivno se istražuju lijekovi, genska terapija i terapija matičnim stanicama kao potencijalne metode regeneracije i sprječavanja smrti stanica s dlačicama. Jedini učinkoviti način borbe s ovim stanjem zasad je prevencija. Glavne metode prevencije su edukacija, zakonski propisi i korištenje osobnih sredstava za zaštitu sluha.
Abstract (english) Noise pollution is widespread phenomenon around the world. Exposure to high levels of noise negatively affects several organ systems in human body and thus causes nervousness, sleep disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and cognitive impairment in children. The effect of noise on human auditory system is especially important because of the irreversibility of created changes. Noise-induced hearing loss is the most common preventable cause of hearing loss. Also, this is the most prevalent occupational disease in the United States of America. Pathophysiologically, the cause of noise-induced hearing loss is damage of the cochlear hair cells. Such damage can be caused by an exposure to one brief, very intense sound (acoustic trauma) or by chronic exposure to elevated levels of noise. Acute effect of noise on hearing is clinically presented with transient tinnitus, the sensation of ear fullness and muffled sounds, but chronic damage is not accompanied by overt symptoms like pain or bleeding and there is no easily noticeable deformation. Hearing impairments caused by noise are diagnosed by pure tone audiometry, speech audiometry, and otoacoustic emissions. Characteristic finding for noise-induced hearing loss is a "noise notch" at a frequency of 4 kHz on a pure tone audiogram. Therapeutic approach in noise-induced hearing loss is based on non-pharmaceutical measures of improving patient's quality of life, for instance, with hearing aids. Drugs, gene therapy, and stem cell therapy are intensely researched as potential methods for hair cell regeneration or hair cell death prevention. The only effective way to combat this condition is prevention. Main methods of prevention are education, law regulations, and use of personal hearing protection devices.
oštećenje sluha uzrokovano bukom
akustička trauma
akustički šok
Keywords (english)
noise-induced hearing loss
acoustic trauma
acoustic shock
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:004938
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-01-04 13:15:45