Title Psihološki aspekti ovisnosti o psihoaktivnim tvarima
Title (english) Psychological aspects of psychoactive drug addiction
Author Matea Vidić
Mentor Zrnka Kovačić Petrović (mentor)
Committee member Neven Henigsberg (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražen Begić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zrnka Kovačić Petrović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Psychiatry and Psychological Medicine) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-07-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Psychiatry
Abstract Psihoaktivne tvari kemijske su tvari izrazitog fiziološkog učinka koje mijenjaju funkciju mozga što rezultira privremenom promjenom percepcije, raspoloženja, svijesti ili ponašanja. Ovakve tvari često su dio rekreativne upotrebe što posljedično nerijetko dovodi do nastanka psihičke i/ili fizičke ovisnosti. Psihička ovisnost stanje je unutarnje prisile za povremeno ili redovito uzimanje sredstava ovisnosti radi stvaranja osjećaja ugode ili izbjegavanja nelagode, a znak je gubitka kontrole. Fizička ovisnost predstavlja stanje prilagodbe organizma na sredstvo ovisnosti, a manifestira se karakterističnim poremećajima fizičke i psihičke prirode pri obustavljanju ili znatnom smanjenju unesene količine psihoaktivne tvari u tijelo. Postoje brojne teorije nastanka ovisnosti o psihoaktivnim tvarima, od onih bioloških teorija, preko socijalno-kulturnih uzroka ovisnosti, sve do onih psihološke prirode. U psihološke uzroke ovisnosti o psihoaktivnim tvarima ubrajamo kognitivno-bihevioralne teorije, psihodinamsko tumačenje nastanka ovisnosti, razne stresne životne događaje, traume iz razdoblja najranijeg djetinjstva i adolescencije, utjecaj obitelji, vršnjaka i okoline na samog ovisnika. Psihološki aspekti ovisnosti vrlo su važan dio kasnijeg nastanka ovisnosti o psihoaktivnim tvarima oblikujući ličnost samog ovisnika, a na njih se nerijetko obraća vrlo malo pozornosti prilikom liječenja iste. Cilj ovog rada ukratko je proći kroz svaku od teorija nastanka ovisnosti o psihoaktivnim tvarima, s posebnim fokusom na psihološke aspekte, mogućnost njihove prevencije i liječenja. Na kraju rada predstavljen je prikaz tri novija istraživanja koja se bave problematikom utjecaja obitelji, stresnih životnih događaja i crta ličnosti na kasniju zloupotrebu psihoaktivnih supstanci.
Abstract (english) Psychoactive drugs are chemical substances with a distinct physiological effect that changes the function of the brain resulting in a temporary change of perception, mood, consciousness, or behavior. Such substances are often used recreationally, which may consequently lead to mental and/or physical addiction. Psychological addiction is a state of internal coercion for occasional or regular consumption of addictive drugs to create feelings of comfort or to avoid discomfort, and represents a sign of loss of control. Physical dependence is the state of adaptation of the organism to the addictive agent and manifests itself with characteristic disorders of physical and psychological nature at the cessation or significant reduction of the intake of psychoactive substances. There are numerous theories on addiction to psychoactive substances, from biological through socio-cultural to psychological ones. Psychological causes of addiction to psychoactive substances include the cognitive-behavioral theory, the psychodynamic interpretation of addiction, various stressful life events, traumas from early childhood and adolescence, as well as the influence of the family, peers, and the environment on the addict. Although the psychological aspects of addiction are a very important part of a later emergence of addiction to psychoactive substances, by shaping the personality of the addict, very little attention is paid to them in the treatment process. The aim of this work is to briefly consider each of the theories of psychoactive substance dependence, with a particular focus on the psychological aspects, their prevention, and treatment potential. In the end, three recent researches dealing with issues of family influence, stressful life events, and personality traits on later abuse of psychoactive substances are presented.
psihoaktivne tvari
psihološki uzroci ovisnosti
Keywords (english)
psychoactive substances
psychological causes of addiction
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:901722
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-01-07 08:42:34