Abstract | U današnje vrijeme primalje imaju važnu ulogu u životu trudnica i njihovih obitelji. Primalje pružaju predvidljivu i prilagodljivu njegu, osiguravaju ženama potrebne informacije i savjete na način kojim će poticati sudjelovanje i olakšati informirano donošenje odluke. Umijeće primaljstva sastoji se od osjetljivosti na potrebe žena i obitelji stoga primalja mora biti u stanju zadovoljiti te potrebe na najprimjereniji način.
Primaljska skrb promovira, štiti i podupire ženska reproduktivna prava i poštuje etničke i kulturne raznolikosti, održava povjerenje i međusobno poštovanje između primalja i obitelji, aktivno potiče i štiti ženinu opuštenost i poboljšava zdravstveno stanje novorođenog djeteta. Primalje svoju djelatnost provode na svim razinama zdravstvene zaštite, sukladno standardima koje će pravilnikom utvrditi ministar nadležan za zdravstvo. Primaljska skrb jest javna djelatnost te podliježe kontroli zadovoljenja standarda obrazovanja. Živimo u vremenu začuđujućeg napretka medicinske tehnologije, te sloboda rađanja ne bi trebala biti samo modni trend, nego potreba humanizacije poroda u sociokulturnom ozračju suvremenog društva i modernog čovjeka. Sve se više žena psihički i fizički priprema za porod, sve ih više želi izabrati najpogodniji tjelesni položaj za rađanje. Ta sloboda rađanja ima psihološki učinak koji za posljedicu ima manje bolan porod, uključujući i uvažavajući mišljenje i želju same rodilje, odnosno adekvatna skrb za rodilju. Prisutno je mišljenje da aktivno vođenje poroda izaziva jaču bol. Međutim, studija koja se bavila ocjenom boli u porodu u svezi s aktivnim i konzervativnim pristupom, pokazuje da se proporcionalno identičan broj žena žalio na jaku nepodnošljivu bol, te time aktivno vođenje poroda nije rezultiralo niti boljim niti lošijim rezultatima. Uz metode aktivnog vođenja poroda, vrlo važnu ulogu imaju klubovi trudnica, prenatalne vježbe i educirane primalje. Emocionalna i socijalna potpora rodilji ima važan utjecaj na tijek poroda. Od izuzetne je važnosti humanizacija i sloboda rađanja. Humano je učiniti porod bezbolnim, time ga pretvoriti u ugodan doživljaj. Obzirom da je svaki porod individualiziran, uključujući i toleranciju i prag boli, te da bolnost trudova diktira položaj rodilje, humano je da se rodiljino mišljenje uvažava, te da ona sama sebi odabere primjeran položaj. Pružanje pune potpore i podrške te uvažavanje žene kao najvažnijeg aktivnog člana u činu rađanja, znatno pridonosi pozitivnom doživljavanju poroda, a time i lakšem podnošenju porodne boli, ali i jačanju njenog samopouzdanja. |
Abstract (english) | Nowdays, midwives have an important role in the life of pregnant women and also in their families. Primalists provide predictable and customizable care, provide women all the necessary informations and advices in a way in which they are encouraged to participate and to facilitate informed decision-making. The art of midwifery consists of sensitivity to the needs of women and the family, so the midwife must be able to satisfy these needs in the most appropriate way.
Primal care promotes, protects and supports women's reproductive rights and respects ethnic and cultural diversity, maintains trust and mutual respect between midwives and families, actively promotes and protects women's relaxation and improves the health of a newborn child. The Primalists carry out their activities at all levels of health care, in accordance to the standards set forth in the Ordinance by the Minister responsible for health. Primal care is a public activity and as such is a subject of control due to the standards of education. We live in the time of astonishing advances in medical technology, and freedom of birth should not only be a fashion trend but a need for the humanization of labor in the sociocultural atmosphere of modern society and modern man. More and more women are mentally and physically preparing for their birth, everyone wants to choose the most appropriate physical position for birth. This freedom of birth has a psychogenic effect resulting in less painful birth, including respect for the parent's self – righteous thinking and desire as such. There is a perception that active birth control is causing more pain. However, a study that deals with gender-related dislocation in relation to an active and conservative approach shows that a proportionally identical number of women complained of a strong unbearable pain, and therefore active birth control did not result in either no better or worse results. In addition to the methods of active birth control, pregnancy, prenatal and well-educated midwives play a very important role. Emotional and social support for woman in labor has an important influence on the birth rate. Humanization and freedom of birth are of great importance. It is humane to make a childbirth painless as much as it is possible and thus turn it into a pleasant experience. Since every birth is individual experience, including and elements such as tolerance and pain treshold, and that the labor pain are by the position of the woman in labor, it is humane to take the womans opinion and to give her a choice to choose an appropriate position for herself. Providing full support and acknowledging women part as the most active member of the birth, can greatly contribute to a positive perception of childbirth, and thus easier delivery of childbirth, but also to strengthening her self-confidence. |