Title Iznenadna smrt sportaša dječje dobi
Title (english) Sudden death in young sportspeople
Author Ana Katušin
Mentor Daniel Dilber (mentor)
Committee member Jurica Vuković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Jelušić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Daniel Dilber (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Pediatrics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-07-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Pediatrics
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care Occupational and Sports Medicine
Abstract Iznenadna srčana smrt sportaša dječje dobi rijedak je, ali veoma zabrinjavajući događaj. U posljednjih 20 godina, iznenadna srčana smrt sportaša privukla je veliku pozornost medicinskih krugova, kao i lokalne i šire društvene zajednice. Ovakvi događaji
pridobivaju veliku pažnju javnosti iz razloga što se mladi sportaši smatraju najzdravijom populacijskom skupinom i mogućnost takvih događaja neočekivan je i iznenadan incident. Morfološki i funkcionalni poremećaji s prezentacijom iznenadne srčane smrti proučavani su temeljem obdukcijskih nalaza. Neprepoznate prirođene srčane grješke udružene s tjelesnim naporom za vrijeme aktivnosti stvaraju uvjete elektrofiziološke nestabilnosti miokarda koje vodi prema razvitku malignih ventrikulskih aritmija i trenutačne smrti. Najčešći uzroci iznenadne srčane smrti u sportaša dječje dobi uključuju hipertrofijsku kardiomiopatiju, kongenitalne anomalije i aritmogenu displaziju desne klijetke. Iznenadna smrt u sportaša dječje dobi najčešće se događa za vrijeme srednjoškolskog obrazovanja, ali točna incidencija kojom se ovaj događaj javlja ostaje i dalje nepoznata. Određeni dio ovih smrti moguće je spriječiti, pa je tako učinkovitost i značaj probira sportaša prije sudjelovanja u natjecanju jedna je od glavnih tema rasprava među stručnjacima. Probir sportaša provodi se u mnogim državama već dugi niz godina. Ovaj pregledni rad se temelji na materijalima skupljenim pretraživanjem relevantne literature koristeći ključne riječi, “iznenadna smrt”, “iznenadna srčana smrt”, “mladi sportaši”, “masovni probir sportaša” i “hipertrofijska kardiomiopatija”.
Abstract (english) Sudden death in young sportspeople is a rare but important event. In the last twenty years, sudden deaths of athletes have attracted huge attention of the medical and social community. Such events assume a high public profile because of the generally held perception that trained athletes constitute the healthiest segment of our society, and such events do not seem logical. Structural and functional abnormalities causing sudden cardiac death in young athletes have been identified by autopsy-based studies. Unrecognized congenital cardiovascular abnormalities associated with excessive physical effort create a background for electrophysiological instability and occurrence of malignant ventricular tachyarrhythmia and consequent death. The most frequent causes of sudden cardiac death in young athletes include hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, anomalies of the coronary arteries, and arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia. Sudden deaths on the athletic field occur most commonly in high school athletes. Although they are believed to be uncommon, the frequency with which such deaths occur remains largely unknown. A proportion of these deaths are potentially preventable, which has fuelled an ongoing scientific debate on the merits and timeliness of preparticipation screening for competitive athletes. Preparticipation screening has already been implemented on different levels in many countries. This review was made using materials obtained by searching relevant literature on the topic, using the keywords “sudden death”, “cardiac sudden death”, “young athletes”, “mass screening”, and “hypertrophic cardiomyopathy”. Articles published in the last fifteen years were mainly used.
iznenadna smrt
iznenadna srčana smrt
mladi sportaši
masovni probir sportaša
hipertrofijska kardiomiopatija
Keywords (english)
sudden death
cardiac sudden death
young athletes
mass screening
hypertrophic cardio
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:225833
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-03-13 12:41:50