Title Transplantacija rožnice
Title (english) Corneal transplantation
Author Eva Radetić
Mentor Miro Kalauz (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Jukić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Smiljka Popović-Suić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Miro Kalauz (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Ophthalmology and Optometry) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Ophthalmology
Abstract Transplantacija rožnice ili keratoplastika je kirurški postupak zamjene disfunkcionalne
rožnice zdravom donorovom rožnicom. Kako je rožnica prozirna, u obliku kupole, te
čini veliki dio moći fokusiranja oka, transplantacija se izvodi zbog poboljšanja optičke
kvalitete rožnice, poboljšanja ili vraćanja vida, smanjenja boli, anatomske
rekonstrukcije rožnice u svrhu očuvanja oka te zbog očuvanja oka kod bolesti koje ne
odgovaraju na lijekove. Zbog imunološke privilegije, avaskularnosti tkiva
... More rožnice te
učinkovitosti kortikosteroida kojima se liječi odbacivanje presatka, većina je
postupaka presađivanja uspješna. Indikacije za transplantaciju pokrivaju širok raspon
bolesti, no najčešće indikacije su postoperacijski edem rožnice, keratokonus,
degeneracije rožnice, Fuchsova distrofija (endotelna distrofija rožnice) te različite
Postoje dvije osnovne vrste transplantacije rožnice, penetrantna transplantacija
rožnice kod koje se ona u cijelosti zamjenjuje te lamelarna ili slojevita transplantacija
kod koje se zamjenjuju samo patološki promijenjeni slojevi rožnice. S obzirom na
slojeve koji se zamjenjuju dijelimo ih na prednju i stražnju lamelarnu kertoplastiku.
Većina rožnica se dobiva iz očne banke, u kojoj se testira kvaliteta doniranog tkiva i
gdje mogu biti pohranjene više tjedana.
Posljednjih desetljeća došlo je do velikih promjena u kirurškim tehnikama i liječenju
bolesti rožnice, kao i u razumijevanju imunoloških aspekata same transplantacije te
na posljetku i sinteze umjetnih rožnica. Less
Abstract (english) Corneal transplantation, also known as corneal grafting, is a surgical procedure in
which the dysfunctional cornea is replaced with a healthy donor's cornea (the graft).
As the cornea is transparent and is the important part of eye-focus power, the
grafting is performed to improve optical quality of the cornea and visual improvement,
to reduce pain and for anatomical corneal reconstruction. Because of the immune
privilege, avascularity of the cornea, and the efficacy of corticosteroids
... More that treat graft
failure, most transplantation procedures are successful. The indications for
transplantation cover a wide range of diseases, but most common indications are
postoperative corneal edema, keratoconus, corneal degeneration, Fuchs's dystrophy
(endothelial corneal dystrophy) and various infections.
There are two basic types of corneal transplantation, the penetrant corneal
transplantation in which cornea is completely replaced, and lamellar transplantation,
replacing only the affected layers of the cornea. Therefore, depending on the
damaged layer, there are anterior and posterior lamellar transplantations.
Most of the cornea are obtained from the cornea bank, in which the quality of the
ocular tissue is tested, and it is able to preserve the donor tissue for up to weeks.
In the last decades there have been major changes in surgical techniques and
treatment of cornea, as well as understanding of the immunological aspects of the
transplantation and synthesis of artificial corneas. Less
transplantacija rožnice
očna banka
Keywords (english)
corneal transplantation
cornea bank
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:951199
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-10-28 13:13:19