Title Inhibitori Janus kinaza u liječenju upalnih reumatskih bolesti
Title (english) Janus kinase inhibitors in the treatment of inflammatory rheumatic diseases
Author Mislav Čaić
Mentor Miroslav Mayer (mentor)
Committee member Branimir Anić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasenka Markeljević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Miroslav Mayer (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Internal Medicine) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Internal Medicine
Abstract Paradigma liječenja upalnih reumatskih bolesti značajno se mijenjala kroz povijest novim spoznajama o patogenezi i otkrićima bazičnih medicinskih znanosti općenito. Konkretno, fokus terapijskog pristupa upalnim reumatskim bolestima pomicao se od široke, neselektivne imunosupresije kakvu omogućavaju glukokortikoidi, preko utjecanja na izvršne (eferentne) funkcije imunoloških stanica, do visokospecifične blokade pojedinih citokina. Nova saznanja o načinu na koji citokini dovode do promjene staničnog fenotipa omogućila su terapijsko interferiranje s molekulama koje čine signalni put od citokinskog receptora do stanične jezgre.
Signalni put JAK/STAT sastavni je dio fundamentalnih homeostatskih mehanizama, s obzirom da omogućava efikasnu međustaničnu komunikaciju. Opisani su brojni klinički entiteti koji su rezultat primarnih poremećaja JAK i STAT, no isto tako, pretjerana ili oslabljena funkcija puta JAK/STAT nalazi se kao sekundarni fenomen u raznim infektivnim, upalnim i malignim bolestima. Reumatoidni artritis, psorijatični artritis i sistemski eritemski lupus primjeri su bolesti u kojima je neravnoteža između proupalnih i protuupalnih citokina temeljni faktor u inicijaciji i progresiji bolesti, ali i održavanju kroničnog upalnog procesa. Inhibitori Janus kinaza lijekovi su koji na unutarstaničnoj razini sprječavaju učinak citokina na ciljnu stanicu. Predstavnici ove skupine lijekova trenutno odobreni za liječenje upalnih reumatskih bolesti u Republici Hrvatskoj su tofacitinib i baricitinib, dok se brojni drugi inhibitori JAK nalaze u drugoj i trećoj fazi kliničkih istraživanja. Stoga, predviđa se skorašnje proširenje terapijskih mogućnosti liječenja upalnih reumatskih bolesti.
Imajući na umu brojne dokaze o važnosti pojedinih citokina u patogenezi upalnih reumatskih bolesti, s naglaskom na uspješnost desetljećima primjenjivane anticitokinske terapije, očekivana je sve šira primjena inhibitora Janus kinaza u liječenju upalnih reumatskih bolesti.
Abstract (english) According to new findings regarding the pathogenesis of inflammatory rheumatic diseases and the discoveries in the field of basic medical sciences, the paradigm for treating inflammatory rheumatic diseases changed significantly over time. Specifically, the therapeutic goal shifted from nonselective immunosuppression, attained by administration of corticosteroids, to the impact on executive (efferent) functions of immune cells, and highly specific cytokine blockade. The understading of mechanisms of cytokine-induced changes of cell phenotype is now broader than ever, which is crucial for developing and applying new therapeutic strategies, such as interfering with the signalling pathway from the cytokine receptor to the cell nucleus.
The JAK/STAT signalling pathway is an integral part of fundamental mechanisms of homeostasis, since it enables effective intercellular communication. Primary disruption of JAKs and STATs results in numerous clinical entities, but excessive or inadequate JAK/STAT pathway function can be observed as a secondary phenomenon in various other infectious, inflammatory, and malignant diseases. Some examples of diseases where the imbalance of pro- and antiinflammatory cytokines plays a key role in initiation, progression and chronification of the inflammatory process are rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Janus kinase inhibitors block the effects of cytokines on the target cell, acting intracellularly. In Croatia, Janus kinase inhibitors currently approved for the treatment of inflammatory rheumatic diseases are tofacitinib and baricitinib. Numerous other JAK inhibitors are at the moment in phases 2 and 3 of clinical research. Therefore, the expansion of available therapeutic approaches to the treatment of inflammatory rheumatic diseases is expected and imminent.
Having in mind multiple evidences on the important role of cytokines in the pathogenesis of inflammatory rheumatic diseases, with the emphasis on the success of anticytokine therapy, the use of Janus kinase inhibitors in the treatment of such disorders is certainly going to amplify.
inhibitori Janus kinaza
signalni put JAK/STAT
upalne reumatske bolesti
Keywords (english)
Janus kinase inhibitors
JAK/STAT signalling pathway
inflammatory rheumatic diseases
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:252255
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-11-20 16:03:25