Title Povezanost umora i promjena kvalitete života u bolesnika s kroničnim rinosinuitisom
Title (english) Connection between fatigue and quality of life change in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis
Author Nia Naletilić
Mentor Livije Kalogjera (mentor)
Committee member Marko Velimir Grgić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mihael Ries (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Livije Kalogjera (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Othorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Otorhinolaryngology
Abstract UVOD:Kronični rinosinuitis je multifaktorijalna upala nosne šupljine i paranazalnih sinusa koja traje duže od 12 tjedana, a dijagnoza se temelji na simptomima, kliničkom (endoskopskom) pregledu i eventualno CT pretragi. Simptomi se dijele na glavne i sporedne. Glavni simptomi uključuju: bol/pritisak u licu, napuhnutost lica, nosna začepljenost, nosna/postnazalna sekrecija i smetnje mirisa. Sporedni simptomi su: glavobolja, temperatura, halitoza, umor, bol zuba, kašalj,bol/punoća u uhu.
... More Kvaliteta života povezana s zdravljem je fizičko i mentalno zdravlje pojedinca ili grupe tijekom vremena. Kronični rinosinuitis ima značajan utjecaj na kvalitetu života vezanu uz zdravlje. Više od polovice bolesnika s kroničnim rinosinuitisom žali se na kronični umor, s razinom simptoma ekvivalentnom razini simptoma pritiska u licu, glavobolje i nosne sekrecije.
----- CILJ: Istražiti postoji li povezanost umora s kvalitetom života u pacijenata, koji boluju od kroničnog rinosinuitisa, te odrediti korelaciju simptoma kroničnog rinosinuitisa s kvalitetom života. Odrediti korelira li umor s Lund- Mackay stupnjem.
----- ISPITANICI I METODE: Spearmanovim testom ispitivane su korelacije već prikupljenih podataka 285 ispitanika na Klinici za otorinolaringologiju i kirurgiju glave i vrata KBC-a Sestre Milosrdnice o težini respiratornih simptoma (SNOT-22 i VAS upitnicima) i CT pretrage. Sve slike CT-a pacijenata podvrgnute su Lund-Mackay stupnjevanju.
----- REZULTATI: Simptom umora imao je najveći i pozitivan Spearmanov koeficijent korelacije na utjecaj ukupnog SNOT-22 rezultata. Nakon umora simptom koji najviše korelira s SNOT-22 rezultatom je postnazalna sekrecija. Dobivena je i značajna negativna korelacija umora s Lund- Mackay stupnjem. Simptom glavobolje najviše je korelirao s umorom od svih simptoma. Nije pronađena korelacija između nosne začepljenosti i umora.
----- ZAKLJUČCI: Pacijenti kod kojih je prisutan intenzivniji umor imaju manje polipoznih promjena ili zadebljanja sluznice na CT-u. Od svih simptoma s ukupnom kvalitetom života najviše je povezan simptom umora. Simptom umora povezan je s bolnim sindromima (poput glavobolje i bolnosti u licu), ali i s postnazalnom sekrecijom. U svrhu unaprjeđenja cjelokupnog stanja i kvalitete života bolesnika potrebna su daljnja istraživanja ovih povezanosti. Less
Abstract (english) INTRODUCTION: Chronic rhinosinusitis is a multifactorial inflammation of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses that lasts for 12 weeks. Diagnosis is based on symptoms, clinical (endoscopic) examination and possibly CT scan. Symptoms are divided into main and secondary. Main symptoms include: pain /facial pressure, facial inflammation, nasal congestion, nasal / postnasal secretion and impairment of smell. Secondary symptoms are: headache, temperature, halitosis, fatigue, toothache,
... More cough, pain / fullness in the ear. The health related quality of life is physical and mental health of an individual or a group over time. Chronic rhinosinusitis has a significant impact on the health related quality of life. More than half of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis complain of chronic fatigue, with symptom level symptoms equivalent to facial symptoms, headache and nasal secretion.
----- OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether there is a correlation between fatigue and quality of life in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. To determine the correlation of symptoms associated with chronic rhinosinusitis and quality of life. To explore whether the fatigue correlates with the Lund-Mackay score.
----- PATIENTS AND METHODS: Total of 285 data of patients were previously collected and included in this study. The correlations between respiratory symptoms (SNOT-22 and VAS questionnaires) and CT tests were calculated with Spearman’s test. All CT patients were subjected to Lund-Mackay staging system.
----- RESULTS: The symptom of fatigue had the greatest and positive Spearman’s coefficient of correlation on the impact of total SNOT-22 results. After fatigue, the most correlated symptom with SNOT-22 was found to be postnasal secretion. There was also a significant negative correlation of fatigue with Lund-Mackay degree. Of all the symptoms, headache mostly correlated with fatigue. No correlation between nasal congestion and fatigue was found.
----- CONCLUSIONS: Patients with more intense fatigue have less polypositic changes or thickening of the mucosa on CT. Of all the symptoms, the most associated with the quality of life is fatigue. Fatigue is associated with pain syndromes (such as headaches and facial pain), but also with postnasal secretion. To further improve the overall status and quality of life of patients, further research on these relationships is needed. Less
kronični rinosinuitis
kvaliteta života
Lund- Mackay
Keywords (english)
chronic rhinosinusitis
quality of life
Lund- Mackay
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:272086
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-01-08 14:23:54