Abstract | Kvaliteta prehrane djece hospitalizirane u KBC Zagreb procijenjena je na prigodnom uzroku od 50 ispitanika koji su, uz odobrenje roditelja ili skrbnika, anketirani u sklopu međunarodnog projekta nutritionDay u studenom 2018. godine. Podaci o točnom sastavu propisane bolničke dijete za svakog ispitanika na dan anketiranja dobiveni su putem računalnog sustava Službe za prehranu KBC-a Zagreb.
Većini bolesnika (48/50 ispitanika) propisana je dijeta u skladu s njihovom dobi i dijagnozom na dan anketiranja, no 30/50 ispitanika nije ostvarilo adekvatan nutritivni unos. Raspon ostavljene hrane kretao se od 0 do 100%, s medijanom od 50%. Razlozi neostvarenog predviđenog unosa su bili nezadovoljstvo dobivenom hranom, gastrointestinalne tegobe i umor. Ističu se onkološki ispitanici koji su svi na dan anketiranja imali smanjen apetit, to najčešće tumače kao nuspojavu terapije (7/11), dok na drugim odjelima inapetencija nije bila tako česta pojava (11/11 na onkologiji naprama 7/39 drugdje). Suprotno očekivanom, nije utvrđena razlika u ostvarenom prehrambenom unosu između onkoloških bolesnika i bolesnika na drugim odjelima i s drugim dijagnozama (Fisherov test: p>0,999).
Status uhranjenosti i nutricionistički rizik procijenjeni su prema indeksu tjelesne mase (BMI), anketom zdravstvenog osoblja u sklopu nDay-a i pomoću STRONGkids upitnika. Statistička analiza pokazala je slab stupanj slaganja između rezultata nDay anketa i STRONGkids upitnika (κ = 0,263, 95% interval pouzdanosti = 0,107-0,418). Nije bilo razlike u postotku ostvarenog nutritivnog unosa između ispitanika s i bez nutricionističkog rizika, neovisno o metodi procjene rizika (Mann-Whitney test: z1=-0,968, p1=0,333 i z2=-1,275, p2=0,202).
Rezultati ovog istraživanja potvrđuju da se djeci u KBC-u Zagreb propisuju dijete adekvatnog sastava s obzirom na dob i dijagnozu, no više od polovice bolesnika ne pojede previđene obroke. Adekvatna bolnička prehrana bitan je čimbenik u liječenju svih dobnih skupina, a posebice u liječenju djece, te se predlažu neke mjere u cilju smanjenja postotka nekonzumirane hrane. |
Abstract (english) | The quality of the diet of children hospitalized at the UHC Zagreb was estimated in a sample of 50 patients who were interviewed within the international project nutritionDay in November 2018 with the parent or guardian's consent. Food composition data of the prescribed diets for each examinee on the day of the survey were obtained through the computer system of the Nutrition Service at the UHC Zagreb.
Most of the patients' diets (48/50) were prescribed according to their age and diagnosis on the day of the survey. However, 30/50 patients did not achieve an adequate nutritional intake. The percentage of leftovers ranged from 0 to 100%, with a median of 50%. The reasons for the inadequate nutritional intake were dissatisfaction with food, gastrointestinal symptoms and fatigue. The emphasis is on oncology patients who all had decreased appetite on the day of the survey. Treatment side effects were most often stated as the reason for their decreased appetite (7/11), while in other departments inappetence was not that common (11/11 among oncology patients and 7/39 among other patients). Contrary to what was expected, there was no difference in the dietary intake between oncology patients and others with different diagnoses (Fisher's test: p>0,999).
The nutritional status and risk for nutritional disorders were estimated using BMI, the nDay survey questionnaire and the STRONGkids questionnaire. Statistical analysis showed a low degree of agreement between the results of the nDay survey and the STRONGkids questionnaire (κ = 0,263, 95% confidence interval = 0,107-0,418). There was no difference in the percentage of nutritional intake between patients with or without nutritional risk, regardless of the applied method for nutritional risk assessment (Mann-Whitney test: z1=-0,968, p1=0,333 i z2=-1,275, p2=0,202).
The results showed that the diets of hospitalized children at the UHC Zagreb are being prescribed accordingly to their age and diagnosis, but over half of patients do not achieve an adequate nutritional intake. Adequate hospital nutrition is an important factor in the overall treatment of patients at all ages, especially children. Some measures to increase the consumption of diets offered to hospitalized patients are proposed. |