Title Zdravstveni pregled vrhunskih sportaša
Title (english) Screening the elite athlete
Author Jakov Kordić
Mentor Hana Brborović (mentor)
Committee member Milan Milošević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ksenija Vitale (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Hana Brborović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Environmental and Occupational Health) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care Occupational and Sports Medicine
Abstract Vrhunski sportaši postižu izvanredne uspjehe i izvrsno vladaju vještinama svoga sporta. Brojni čimbenici utječu na konačan sportašev rezultat; treningom se organizam adaptira na povećani stres koji je pred njega postavljen te zahtjeva principe koji
smanjuju rizik od ozljede i bolesti, a jedino zdrav organizam može pozitivno odgovoriti na postavljene izazove. Prilagodba organizma prvenstveno je odgovor mišića, respiratornog i kardiovaskularnog sustava te poboljšanje tih parametara ''gura naprijed'' sportaševu izvedbu. Cilj ovog rada bio je opisati najvažnije elemente anamneze i pregleda vrhunskih sportaša. Anamneza i pregled vrhunskog sportaša mehanizam su zaštite zdravlja sportaša. Detaljna osobna i obiteljska anamneza, fizikalni pregled i očitavanje EKG-a po najnovijim smjernicama osnova su probira na iznenadnu srčanu smrt, posebice u mladih sportaša. Ozljede mišićno-koštanog sustava najčešće su posljedice tjelesne aktivnosti. Cilj pregleda je prepoznavanje i liječenje trenutnih ozljeda, kao i poboljšanje manjkavosti uzrokovanih prethodnim. Ostali organski sustavi također zahtijevaju detaljnu anamnezu i fokusirani pregled sa svrhom očuvanja cjelokupnog zdravlja, ali i poboljšanja izvedbe. Uputno je obratiti pažnju na niz čimbenika koji mogu pridonositi sportaševoj izvedbi, poput edukacije o pravilnoj prehrani, suplementima i osnovama borbe protiv dopinga; prevenciji, prepoznavanju i postupanju s ozljedama; metodama treninga i izbjegavanju pretreniranosti. Pregledi trebaju biti kontinuirani, provedeni detaljno prije početka bavljenja sportom, a zatim periodički ponavljani uz mogućnosti fokusa na nove i važne tegobe. Uredan nalazi pregleda ili liječenje problema završavaju za sportaša najpoželjnijim ishodom, ocjenom sportske sposobnosti.
Abstract (english) Elite athletes achieve remarkable success and possess superb mastery of skills associated with their sport. Many factors contribute to the athlete's ultimate result; organism adapts to the imposed training load which requires principles that decrease risk of injury and illness. Only the healthy organism is able to respond positively to the appointed challenges. Adaptation primarily results in changes to the muscles, respiratory system and cardiovascular system and improvement of those parameters elevates the athlete's performance. The aim of this paper was to describe the most important elements in the screening of the elite athletes. Detailed personal and family history, physical examination and interpretation of ECG according to the newest guidelines are basis of screening for sudden cardiac death, especially among the younger population. Musculoskeletal injuries are the most frequent consequences of physical activity. Screening aims to assess and treat current injuries, as well as to rehabilitate any deficits resulting from previous injuries. Full history and focused
physical examination of other organ systems is required in order to preserve overall health, but also to improve performance. It is advisable to pay attention to factors contributing to the athlete's performance, such as education about nutrition, supplements and doping; injury prevention, reporting and management; methods of training and preventing overtraining. Screening should be continuous, conducted thoroughly before commencement of sporting activities and periodically repeated, usually concentrated on new and important problems. Normal findings or management of problems, much in the interest of the athlete, results in participation clearance.
sportske ozljede
iznenadna srčana smrt
masovni probir
Keywords (english)
athletic injuries
sudden cardiac death
mass screening
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:475365
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-04-29 11:22:39