Title Transseksualnost kao interdisciplinarni fenomen
Title (english) Transsexuality as interdisciplinary phenomenon
Author Josipa Bolanča
Mentor Dražen Begić (mentor)
Committee member Alma Mihaljević-Peleš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Rudolf Gregurek (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražen Begić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine Zagreb
Defense date and country 2014-09-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Psychiatry
Abstract Transseksualnost je trajan osjećaj nelagode i nepripadanja spolu u kojem je osoba rođena uz težnju da se živi i bude prihvaćena kao osoba suprotnog spola. Transseksualnost ima biološku etiologiju, ali za ishod poremećaja presudna je interakcija socijalnih i psiholoških čimbenika. Transseksualnost ili poremećaj rodnog identiteta prisutan je u svim društvima i civilizacijama. Pojavljuje se i u dječjoj dobi i u odrasloj. Puno je veća učestalost transseksualnosti u dječjoj dobi i muškom spolu. Liječenje transseksualnih osoba obuhvaća psihoterapiju, psihofarmakoterapiju te hormonalno i kirurško liječenje. Tijekom psihoterapije utvrđuju se stvarni životni ciljevi vezani za odnose s partnerom, obitelji, prijateljima, poslom. Provodi se edukacija i uključivanje u grupu kako bi se kroz tuđa iskustva stekao realniji uvid u teškoće koje sa sobom donosi promjena spola. Ako osoba zadovoljava uvjete za promjenu spola, a nakon psihoterapije i dalje ima snažnu želju za promjenom spola, tada se podvrgava širokom spektru medicinskih intervencija. U tom razdoblju uvodi se hormonalna terapija. Procedura zahtjeva da osoba prije upućivanja na kirurške intervencije bude podvrgnuta tzv. „iskustvu stvarnog života“. Kroz vremensko razdoblje od 1-2 godine, osoba treba „živjeti“ u željenom spolu. Ako je osoba i dalje odlučna promijeniti spol, tada se pristupa kirurškoj promjeni spola.
U Hrvatskoj se vrlo mali broj stručnjaka bavi transseksualnošću. Na transseksualnost se gleda kao na isključivo psihijatrijski poremećaj što doprinosi stigmatizaciji transseksualnih osoba. Te osobe jako pate i često nailaze na neprihvaćanje od strane obitelji, prijatelja, nemaju financijskih sredstava koja su potrebna za liječenje, često boluju od depresije.
Abstract (english) Transsexualism is a constant feeling of discomfort and inappropriateness in the gender in which a person is born with a tendency to live and be accepted as a person of the opposite sex. Transsexualism has a biological etiology, but the outcome of the disorder is crucial interaction of social and psychological factors. Transsexualism or Gender Identity Disorder is present in all societies and civilizations. It also occurs in children and adult. Much higher incidence of transsexualism is in childhood and male. Treatment of transsexuals includes: psychotherapy, psychopharmacotherapy, hormonal and surgical treatment. During psychotherapy patient determines actual life goals for relations with a partner, family, friends and their job. Conducted training and inclusion in the group to make it through other people's experiences gained more realistic insight into the difficulties brought by the change of gender. If a person meets the criteria for a sex change, and after psychotherapy still has a strong desire to change sex, then it is subjected to a wide range of medical interventions. During this period is introduced in hormonal therapy. The procedure requires that the person before submitting to surgery has to be subjected to so-called "real-life experience". For a period of 1-2 years, a person needs to "live" in the desired gender. If the person is still determined to change gender, then they approach to a surgical sex change.
In Croatia, a small number of experts are dealing with transsexuality. Transsexuality is considered just as a psychiatric disorder which contributes to the stigmatization of transsexual people. These people really suffer and often face rejection by family, friends, do not have the financial resources needed to treat, often suffer from depression.
hormonalna terapija
kirurška terapija
Keywords (english)
hormone therapy
surgical therapy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:876268
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-07-14 08:11:24