Abstract | Profesionalne bolesti ne prestaju biti jedan od glavnih zdravstvenih i socio- medicinskih problema radno aktivne populacije. Kronična, progresivna i degenerativna narav ovih bolesti uzrokuje nesposobnost za rad, uzrokom su invalidnosti, gubitka radnoga mjesta ili rijetko premještaja na drugo radno mjesto. Veliki broj invalida rada, njihova dugotrajna bolovanja, u Republici Hrvatskoj predstavljaju dodatna opterećenja na gospodarstvo.
Cilj rada je utvrditi radni status radnika oboljelih od profesionalnih bolesti u RH u razdoblju od 2006. do 2011. godine, a uvidom u podatke o njihovoj privremenoj i trajnoj nesposobnosti za rad procijeniti gospodarske troškove.
Podaci o oboljelim od profesionalnih bolesti dobiveni su iz Registra profesionalnih bolesti Hrvatskog zavoda za zaštitu zdravlja i sigurnost na radu, a podaci o ocjeni njihove sadašnje radne sposobnosti i radnom statusu putem telefonske ankete. Analiza i obrada podataka je pokazala da je velik broj radnika privremeno radno nesposoban zbog profesionalne bolesti. Od 202 radnika koji su telefonski anketirani, njih 81;40,09% je koristilo bolovanje duže od 6 mjeseci. Njih 147;72,8% je išlo na ocjenu radne sposobnosti te je za 27;13,4% radnika utvrđena opća nesposobnost za rad, a za 61;30,2% radnika profesionalna nesposobnost za rad. Bez posla je ostalo 19;9,4% radnika, a 45;22,3% radnika je promijenilo radno mjesto, ali su ostali u radnom odnosu. Nakon što im je utvrđena profesionalna bolest, na istom radnom mjestu je ostalo raditi 50;24,7% radnika. Oboljeli radnici bez posla teško se ponovno uključuju u svijet rada budući da su uglavnom stariji od 50 godina i niskog su obrazovnog statusa. Prosječna invalidska mirovina im je oko 1700 kn za profesionalnu nesposobnost za rad i 2100 kn za opću nesposobnost za rad. Godišnji trošak od bolovanja uslijed profesionalnih bolesti je oko 2 milijuna kuna. Gospodarski gubici uzrokovani profesionalnim bolestima i ozljedama na radu iznose 13,14 milijuna kuna. Zato su neophodne mjere sprječavanja nastanka profesionalnih bolesti i očuvanja radne sposobnosti. |
Abstract (english) | A large number of disabled workers, long-term sick leave, job loss and difficulties in their reintegration into the labor market are the current problem of the Croatian economy and society. Occupational diseases do not stop to be the one of the major health problem of working population. Therefore, studying their impact on working ability and employability and proposal of the measures for the preservation of working ability can contribute solving the problems of the Croatian economy and society.
The aim is to determine the consequences of occupational diseases on working ability and employability of workers.This will be done by examining the data about temporary and permanent working ability and employment status of persons suffering from occupational disease. The aim is also to make a proposal of the measures to keep them in the labor market.
Data on workers suffering from occupational diseases are obtained from the Register of Occupational Diseases of the Croatian Institute for Health Protection and Safety at Work, and data on working ability and employment status are obtained through a telephone interview. Analysis of data showed that a large number of workers, suffering from occupational disease, were temporary disabled for work. Among 202 workers who were interviewed, 81;40,09% of them used a sick leave that last for more than six months. Among interwieved workers, 147;72,8% went on the assessment of working capacity and results show that 27;13,4% workers have total loss of work ability and 61;30,2% partial loss of work ability. Unemployed were 19;9,4% workers and 45;22,3% of them changed workplace, 50;24.7% workers stayed on the same workplace where they got sick from the occupational disease. The average disability pension is around 1700 kn for partial loss of work ability and around 2100 kn for total loss of work ability. The annual cost of sick leaves caused by occupational disease is about 2 million kuna. Economic losses caused by occupational diseases and accidents at work costs amount to 13,14 millions of kuna. Measures are needed to prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases and preservation of working capacity. |