Title Uloga umjetnosti u radu s oboljelima od Alzheimerove demencije
Title (english) The role of art therapy in patients with Alzheimer's dementia
Author Eleonora Džambas
Mentor Marijana Braš (mentor)
Committee member Veljko Đorđević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražen Begić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Braš (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Psychiatry and Psychological Medicine) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Psychiatry
Abstract Alzheimerovu demenciju (AD) karakterizira progresivna demencija i gubitak pamćenja, uzrokovani stvaranjem amiloidnih plakova i neurofibrilarnih snopova u mozgu, osobito u moždanom korteksu i hipokampusu. Prevalencija naglo raste s godinama i vremenom promjene u mozgu dovode do progresivnog gubitka neurona. AD se odnosi na demenciju koja se postepeno javlja u starijoj dobi i kojoj može uslijediti ranije moždano oštećenje, ali često nema poznati uzrok. Uobičajeni simptomi AD-a su problemi s koncentracijom i kratkotrajnim pamćenjem, prostorno-vremenska dezorijentacija, apatija i depresija. Teže ozbiljna faza Alzheimerove demencije je obilježena progresivnim padom kognitivnih funkcija, što rezultira težim funkcionalnim oštećenjem i sve većom ovisnosti o drugima u svakodnevnim životnim aktivnostima. Studije posljednjih godina otkrile su specifične genetske i molekularne mehanizme koji su odgovorni za razvoj AD-a. Ovaj napredak podigao je nade za učinkovitije liječenje, ali uspjeh se pokazao nedostižnim, dijelom zbog toga što više faktora doprinosi bolesti i zbog toga što simptomi bolesti postaju očigledni tek
nakon što je osnovna patologija napredovala. Danas odobreni lijekovi imaju malo utjecaja na demenciju, posebno na AD i nisu u mogućnosti zaustaviti progresiju bolesti. Stoga se čini da su identifikacija i primjena nefarmakoloških i preventivnih strategija praktičnije i važnije za borbu s ovom bolešću. Nefarmakološki pristup se polako razvija i često uključuje različite oblike psihosocijalne terapije poput art terapije, glazbene, plesne i dramske terapije i mnogih drugih. Pacijenti se kroz umjetnički pristup mogu izraziti neverbalnom komunikacijom i na taj način izbaciti negativne emocije i poboljšati socijalne vještine, što u konačnici doprinosi poboljšanju kognitivnih sposobnosti i smanjenju bihevioralnih i psiholoških simptoma, te značajno poboljšava kvalitetu života pacijenata.
Abstract (english) Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by progressive dementia and memory loss, caused by the formation of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the brain, particularly in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. The prevalence increases sharply with age and over time changes in the brain lead to progressive neuronal loss. AD refers to dementia that occurs gradually in adulthood and may be followed by earlier brain damage, but often has no known cause. Common symptoms of AD are problems with concentration and short-term memory, spatio-temporal disorientation, apathy and depression. The moderate / severe phase of Alzheimer's dementia is marked by a progressive decline in cognitive function, resulting in more severe functional impairment and increasing dependence on others in daily life activities. Studies in recent years have revealed specific genetic and molecular mechanisms responsible for the development of AD. This progress raised hopes for more effective treatment, but success proved unattainable, partly because many factors contribute to the
development of the disease and because symptoms of the disease become apparent only after the underlying pathology has already progressed. Today’s approved drugs have little effect on dementia, especially AD, and are unable to stop disease progression. Therefore, the identification and application of non-pharmacological and preventive strategies seems to be more practical and crucial to combat this disease. The non-pharmacological approach is slowly evolving and often includes various forms of psychosocial therapy such as art therapy, music, dance and drama therapy and many others. Patients can express themselves through artistic approach using non-verbal communication and thus express their negative emotions and improve social skills, which ultimately contributes to improving cognitive abilities and reducing behavioral and psychological symptoms, and significantly improves the quality of patiens life.
art terapija
Alzheimerova bolest
Keywords (english)
art therapy
Alzheimer’s disease
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:817497
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-03-22 10:52:11