Title Kvaliteta života članova obitelji oboljelog od depresivnog poremećaja
Title (english) Quality of life of family members of patients suffering from depressive disorder
Author Jagoda Nikić
Mentor Marina Šagud (mentor)
Committee member Alma Mihaljević-Peleš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražen Begić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Šagud (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Psychiatry and Psychological Medicine) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2014-09-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Psychiatry
Abstract Depresivni poremećaj vrlo je čest u moderno doba jer je današnjica obilježena brzim i stresnim življenjem, što se smatra jednim od glavnih čimbenika rizika za razvoj depresije. Depresija značajno djeluje na funkcioniranje osobe te dovodi do teškoća u obavljanju svakodnevnih aktivnosti, čak i onih najosnovnijih. Međutim, depresija ne zahvaća samo oboljelu osobu, već čitavu obitelj. Dok su tisuće studija publicirane o depresivnim bolesnicima, njihovi njegovatelji su jako zanemareni. Međutim i oni jako trpe zbog depresije svojih najbliţih. Depresivni poremećaj jako utječe na komunikaciju oboljele osobe s najbližima, što uvelike osiromašuje kvalitetu života članova obitelji. Također negativno utječe i na druge važne čimbenike, poput financijskoga stanja, pa njegovatelji zbog svog oboljelog člana odjednom imaju mnoštvo problema. Dokazano je da je skrb za osobu sa simptomima depresije veliko opterećenje za njegovatelje. Stoga je provedeno nekoliko istraţivanja kako bi se uočili njihovi najvažniji problemi te pronašli učinkoviti načini pomoći s ciljem omogućavanja kvalitetnog življenja unatoč prisutnosti depresivnog poremećaja u obitelji. Istraživanja su dala mnoge zanimljive rezultate. Zapažena je nuţnost mjerenja psihološkog utjecaja na njegovatelje jer bolje shvaćanje njihove opterećenosti može uvelike doprinijeti razvoju novih metoda liječenja koje bi pomogle oporavku oboljeloga, a samim tim doprinijele kvalitetnijem obiteljskom i društvenom životu. Također je zapaženo da škole, radna mjesta, društvena zajednica i zdravstvo imaju ključnu ulogu u educiranju obitelji i pojedinaca o znacima i simptomima depresije te o pravilnom načinu pružanja njege. Naime, istraživanja su dovela do zaključka da su njegovatelji posebno osjetljiva populacija koja treba stručnu pomoć u svakom obliku, ali nadasve treba ljudsku riječ i razumijevanje.
Abstract (english) Depressive disorder is very frequent, because of the fast and stressful way of modern life, which is considered to be among major risk factors in developing depression. Depression has a significant impact on function, leading to difficulties in performing everyday activities even the most basic ones. However, patients are not the only ones affected by depression. It is the disease of the whole family. While thousands of papers have been published regarding depressed patients, their caregivers have been neglected. However, they also suffer due to consequences of this devastating disorder. Depressive disorder has a huge impact on communication with kith and kin. Depression deteriorates the quality of life of family members. It also adversely influences other significant areas of life, such as financial state, which puts caregivers into difficult situation.
Caring for a person with symptoms of depression is already known to be a heavy burden. Therefore, several studies have been carried out to recognize the most relevant problems and develop effective strategies to maintain a good quality life despite the presence of depressive disorder in the family. Those studies provided a number of interesting results. The importance of measuring the impact of depression on caregivers has been highlighted. Better understanding of their duties can make significant contribution to the development of novel strategies that would aid the
recovery of the patient, as well as contribute to the improvement of quality of life of both patients and their caregivers. In addition, it has been observed that schools, workplaces, social community and the health care system all have an important role in educating the family and other individuals about the signs and symptoms of depression and also in providing the optimal care. All studies unequivocally reported that caregivers are particularly vulnerable population, which has many unmet needs, such as professional assistance, and, above all, a warm word and understanding.
depresivni poremećaj
problemi njegovatelja
kvaliteta života
stručna pomoć
Keywords (english)
depressive disorder
burden of caregivers
quality of life
professional help
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:298323
Study programme Title: Studies in Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2015-11-06 13:29:45