Title Transplantacija bubrega
Title (english) Kidney transplantation
Author Jana Lipšinić
Mentor Tvrtko Hudolin (mentor)
Committee member Željko Kaštelan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Meštrović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tvrtko Hudolin (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Urology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-07-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Urology
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Surgery
Abstract Završni, odnosno terminalni stadij kronične bubrežne bolesti (TBI) liječi se nadomještanjem bubrežne funkcije, hemodijalizom ili peritonejskom dijalizom te transplantacijom bubrega. Transplantacija bubrega je najbolja metoda liječenja TBI jer ima najbolji učinak na kvalitetu i trajanje života bolesnika, unatoč određenim komplikacijama vezanim uz kirurški zahvat i imunosupresivnu terapiju. Zbog toga se svaki bolesnik u završnom stadiju bubrežne bolesti smatra kandidatom za transplantaciju bubrega, ukoliko za istu ne postoje kontraindikacije. Darivatelj organa može biti preminula osoba sa dokazanom moždanom smrti ili nekucajućim srcem te živa srodna ili nesrodna osoba. Glavna prednost transplantacije sa živog darivatelja je kraće trajanje hladne ishemije, što u konačnici osigurava bolju funkciju presađenog organa. Unatoč prednostima transplantacije sa živog darivatelja, većina transplantiranih bubrega dolazi od umrlih darivatelja. Darivatelj i primatelj organa prije transplantacije prolaze opsežnu obradu, kako bi se ustanovila kvaliteta organa te otkrila eventualna patologija koja bi ih mogla ugroziti za vrijeme ili nakon transplantacije, odnosno koja bi bila kontraindikacija za transplantaciju bubrega. Prvi korak u transplantaciji je nefrektomija, koja može biti dio monoorganske ili multiorganske eksplantacije, kada se od preminulog darivatelja uz bubrege uzimaju i drugi organi. U samom kirurškom postupku razlikujemo otvoreni pristup te laparoskopsku, rukom asistiranu laparoskopsku i robotsku nefrektomiju. Iako minimalno invazivne metode imaju određene prednosti, većinom se radi otvorena nefrektomija. Nakon pripreme presatka na posebnom stoliću u operacijskoj dvorani, slijedi transplantacija organa primatelju. Pristupa se u ilijačnu fosu, odnosno na ilijačne krvne žile. Prvo se učini venska pa arterijska anastomoza, a zatim i anastomoza mokraćovoda i mokraćnog mjehura. Postavlja se dren i rana se zatvara po slojevima. Kako bi se spriječilo odbacivanje presatka, sa individualiziranom imunosupresivnom terapijom primatelja započinje se prije ili za vrijeme transplantacijskog zahvata, a sa terapijom se nastavlja i nakon same transplantacije, sve dok bolesnik ima transplantirani organ. Vrlo je važna i postoperativna skrb, ali i kasnije redovito i dugoročno liječenje i praćenje bolesnika. Republika Hrvatska je od 2007. godine članica Eurotransplanta, neprofitne organizacije koja ima ključnu ulogu u alokaciji i distribuciji organa za transplantaciju. Međunarodna suradnja zemalja članica povećava iskoristivost i dostupnost darovanih organa. U 2019. godini u Hrvatskoj je presađeno 128 bubrega od preminulih i 7 bubrega od živih darivatelja, a na aktivnoj listi čekanja krajem 2019. godine nalazila se 231 osoba.
Abstract (english) End-stage renal disease (ESRD) is treated by renal replacement therapy, hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis and kidney transplantation. Kidney transplantation is considered the treatment of choice for end stage renal disease, since it has a beneficial effect on the patient's life expectancy and quality, despite the complications of surgical procedure and immunosuppressive therapy. For this reason, every patient in ESRD is considered a candidate for a kidney transplant, unless there are contraindications. A kidney donor can be a deceased person with a proven brain death, or a non-beating heart and a living related or unrelated person. The main benefit of the living donor transplantation is shorter cold ischemia time, which ultimately ensures a better transplant function. Despite the benefits of living donor transplantation, most kidney transplants come from deceased donors. The donor and recipient undergo an extensive preoperative evaluation, in order to detect kidney quality and conditions that could endanger them during or after the surgical procedure and would ultimately be a contraindication for kidney transplantation. The first step in transplantation is nephrectomy, which can be mono organic, or a part of a multiorgan procurement. The nephrectomy is performed using the open access, laparoscopic, hand – assisted or the robot assisted technique. Once the bench surgery has been completed, the kidney is transplanted into the recipient. Despite the advantages of minimally invasive methods, open nephrectomy is mostly performed. After entering the iliac fossa the blood vessels are prepared and the anastomosis between the renal and iliac vein is done. The next step is the anastomosis between the ureter and the urinary bladder. In order to prevent graft rejection, individualized immunosuppressive therapy of the recipient is initiated before or during the transplantation, and is continued after, for as long as the patient has a transplanted organ. A favorable long-term outcome of transplantation depends on adequate postoperative care and regular treatment and monitoring of patients. Since 2007, Croatia has been a member of Eurotransplant, a non-profit organization that plays a key role in the allocation and distribution of donor organs. The international cooperation of the member states increases the usability and availability of donor organs. In 2019, 128 kidneys were transplanted from the deceased donors and 7 kidneys from living donors. At the end of the year, there were
231 active patients on the kidney transplant waiting list.
kronična bubrežna bolest
transplantacija bubrega
imunosupresivna terapija
Keywords (english)
chronic kidney disease
kidney transplantation
immunosuppressive therapy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:632755
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-05-03 08:29:53