Title Uloga medicinske sestre/tehničara u promociji zdravih životnih navika s ciljem sprječavanja nastanka arterijske hipertenzije
Title (english) Role of nurse/technician in promotion of healthy lifestyle habits to prevent arterial hypertension
Author Danijel Mijatović
Mentor Vera Musil (mentor)
Committee member Venija Cerovečki Nekić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marjeta Majer (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vera Musil (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Social Medicine and Health Care Organization) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-07-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care
Abstract Arterijskom hipertenzijom smatra se trajno povišeni sistolički i/ili dijastolički tlak iznad
vrijednosti koje dovode do pobolijevanja i/ili smrtnosti u općoj populaciji od kardiovaskularnih,
cerebrovaskularnih bolesti i bolesti bubrega. Vrijednosti iznad 140 mmHg sistoličkog i 90
mmHg dijastoličkog tlaka predstavljaju početak arterijske hipertenzije. Arterijska hipertenzija
predstavlja jedan od vodećih javnozdravstvenih problema jer s ocjenom 208,4
onesposobljenosti izražene u odnosu na godine života (eng. disability adjusted life years) te 1,7
milijuna smrti godišnje (18% svih smrti u svijetu), čini jedan od šest vodećih uzroka globalnog
opterećenja bolesti u svijetu. Ona je posljedica brojnih rizičnih čimbenika, gdje pored neupitnog
genetskog utjecaja, u znatnoj mjeri, arterijskoj hipertenziji doprinose posljedice životnog stila
te okolišni čimbenici. Iako se liječenje arterijske hipertenzije znatno poboljšalo u posljednjih
30 godina i dalje svjesnost o razvoju iste nije dosegnula adekvatnu razinu. Alarmantan je
podatak kako čak više od polovine stanovništva među kojima je proveden probir na hipertenziju
nije bilo svjesno prisutnosti hipertenzije. Promocija zdravlja s ciljem sprječavanja arterijske
hipertenzije je neophonda, poznavanje zdravstvenih rizika i zdravstvene koristi preduvjet su za
promjene. Fokus je previše na sekundarnoj prevenciji, razvoju lijekova i povoljnim poslovnim
prilikama, a ne na strategijama primarne prevencije. Veća usredotočenost na primarnu
prevenciju stanovništva i zagovaranju zdravog načina života još u najranijoj dobi učinilo bi
populaciju mnogo zdravijom i pametnijom kako bi suzbili rastući trend arterijske hipertenzije i
s njom povezanih kormobiditeta. Sve se više pojavljuju skupine stručnjaka čineći
multidisciplinarne timove za liječenje arterijske hipertenzije i u pravo je multidisciplinaran
pristup najbolji oblik skrbi jer omogućava usredotočenost na pacijenta, a sva pažnja je
prilagođena njegovim potrebama. Unutar svog djelokruga rada medicinska sestra/tehničar ima
ključnu ulogu u radu multidisciplinarnog tima jer u situaciji sve veće epidemije ove bolesti,
intervencije promocije zdravlja pružaju kontrolu bolesti, sprječavaju komplikacije i
poboljšavaju kvalitetu života pacijenata i njihovih obitelji. Za liječenje arterijske hipertenzije
koriste se razni antihipertenzivni lijekovi i aktivnim se liječenjem smanjuje smrtnost i rizik za
razvoj kardiovaskularnih bolesti i posljedica kao što su srčani i moždani udar, srčano i bubrežno
zatajenje te se produljuje očekivano trajanje života. Smanjenje sistoličkog za 10 mmHg i
dijastoličkog tlaka za 5 mmHg, dovodi do smanjenja kardiovaskularnih događaja za 20%,
smrtnosti od svih uzroka za 10-15%.
Abstract (english) Arterial hypertension is considered to be persistently elevated systolic and/or diastolic
pressure above values that lead to morbidity and/or mortality in the general population from
cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and renal diseases. Values above 140 mmHg systolic and 90
mmHg diastolic pressure represent the onset of arterial hypertension. Arterial hypertension is
one of the leading public health problems because with a score of 208.4 disability adjusted years
of life (DALY) and 1.7 million deaths per year (18% of all deaths worldwide) it's one of the six
the leading causes of the global burden of disease in the world. It's a consequence of a number
of risk factors, where in addition to the unquestionable genetic influence, the consequences of
lifestyle and environmental factors contribute significantly to arterial hypertension. Although
the treatment of arterial hypertension has improved significantly in the last 30 years, awareness
of its development has still not reached an adequate level. It is alarming that even more than
50% of the population among those screened for hypertension were not aware of the presence
of hypertension. Health promotion with the aim of preventing arterial hypertension is a must,
knowledge of health risks and health benefits are a prerequisite for change. The focus is too
much on secondary prevention, drug development, and favorable business opportunities, rather
than on primary prevention strategies. A greater focus on primary prevention of the population
and advocating for a healthy lifestyle at an early age would make the population much healthier
and smarter to combat the growing trend of arterial hypertension and related cormobidities.
More and more groups of experts are emerging, making multidisciplinary teams for the
treatment of arterial hypertension, and it's the multidisciplinary approach that is the best form
of care because it enables focus on the patient, and all attention is adjusted to his needs. Within
its scope of work, the nurse has a key role in the work of the multidisciplinary team because in
a situation of growing epidemic of this disease, health promotion interventions provide disease
control, prevent complications and improve the quality of life of patients and their families.
Various antihypertensive drugs are used to treat arterial hypertension, and active treatment
reduces mortality and the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and sequelae such as heart
attack and stroke, heart and kidney failure, and prolongs life expectancy. Reduction of systolic
pressure by 10 mmHg and diastolic pressure by 5 mmHg leads to a reduction of cardiovascular
cases by 20%, mortality from all causes by 10-15%.
prevencija i kontrola
promocija zdravlja
medicinska sestra/tehničar
Keywords (english)
prevention and control
health promotion
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:675982
Study programme Title: Studies in Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-05-05 10:27:33