Title Liječenje prijeloma prsno - slabinskog prijelaza kralježnice
Title (english) Treatment of thoracic-lumbar spine fractures
Author Tatjana Stiperski
Mentor Tihomir Banić (mentor)
Committee member Zoran Lončar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vide Bilić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tihomir Banić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Medical Statistics, Epidemiology and Medical Informatics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care
Abstract Svrha ovog diplomskog rada bila je upoznati učenike s performativnim načinom izražavanja
osobnih emocija. Učenici su upotrebom vlastitog tijela i neverbalne komunikacije izrazili
određene poruke koje su zatim zabilježili u mediju videa. Problem koji je prethodno bio uočen
u uobičajenom pristupu nastavi bilo je nedovoljno poticanje i razvijanje emocija učenika prema
određenom nastavnom sadržaju. Takvo provođenje nastave dovodilo je do nedovoljnog
razvijanja emocionalne inteligencije i stavljanja učenika u položaj pasivnog promatrača
nastavnog procesa. Cilj istraživanja bio je aktivirati cjelokupnu osobnost učenika, odnosno,
potaknuti ih na aktivno sudjelovanje, suradnju, promišljanje o temi, formiranje stavova i
kritičko mišljenje s konačnim ciljem izražavanja emocija performativnim putem ‒ pokretom,
gestom, ekspresijom te omogućiti učenicima slobodno izražavanje pokretom s namjerom
poticanja kreativnosti. Rezultatima istraživanja dobiveni su odgovori na sljedeća istraživačka
1) Kako povezati performativni način izražavanja i emocije?
2) Kako možemo izraziti neverbalnu komunikaciju kroz prizmu novih medija ‒ videozapisa?
3) Kako možemo vizualnim izražavanjem pomoću vlastitog tijela izraziti određene poruke?
Istraživanje je bilo provedeno kvalitativnim i performativnim istraživanjem u dvama osmim
razredima tijekom četiriju nastavnih sati. Očekivalo se da će učenicima ovakav način
provođenja nastave biti zanimljiviji od uobičajenog te da će njihovo izražavanje biti kreativnije
i autentičnije, što se u konačnici potvrdilo njihovim sudjelovanjem u nastavi i rezultatima
njihovih videouradaka. Korisnost ovog istraživanja vidjela se u osvješćivanju vlastitih emocija
učenika te njihovu izražavanju kroz vlastitu tjelesnost ‒ pokretom i gestom. Takav način rada
učenicima je omogućio izražavanje na slobodniji način, učenje nastavnog sadržaja osobnim
iskustvom te upoznavanje drugačijeg načina izražavanja primjenom novih medija –
videozapisa. Učenici su prilikom istraživanja aktivno sudjelovali u nastavi, a vizualni uradci
koje su snimili izravno su se referirali na sredinu u kojoj se nalaze. Istraživanjem je potvrđeno
da je učenicima prirodno vlastitom tjelesnošću izraziti emocije, mišljenja te iznijeti kritički stav.
Abstract (english) The purpose of this thesis was to introduce pupils to a performative way of expressing personal
emotions. The pupils expressed themselves through non-verbal communication and body
movement, which was then recorded in a form of a video. A problem which was previously
observed in a traditional approach to teaching is insufficient encouragement and development
of emotions towards a particular subject in class. As such it had lead to a lack of development
of emotional intelligence and left the pupils in a position of a passive observer (of the teaching
process). The aim of the research was to activate the entire personality of the pupils, that is, to
encourage them to participate actively, to work together, to think about the topic, to form
opinions and to think critically with the ultimate goal of expressing emotions in a performative
way - movement, gesture, expression. Also, to allow pupils a certain freedom of expression
through movement, in order to increase creativity. The results of this research have given
answers to the following research questions:
1) How can one connect the performative form of expression and emotions?
2) How can we express non verbal communication through the prism of a new media, in this
case video?
3) How can we communicate certain messages through a visual expression by using our own
The research included qualitative and performative research in two eighth grade groups and
lasted four school hours. It was expected that the pupils would find this form of classes more
interesting than usual and that their expression will be more creative and authentic, which was
proven true in the end through their participation and quality of their resulting videos. The
usefulness of this research has been seen in raising awareness of students' own emotions and
expressing them through their own physicality - through movement and gesture. This mode of
work allowed students to express themselves more freely and to learn educational content
through personal experience and to learn a different way of expression through the use of new
media - video. During the research, students actively participated in the teaching, and the visual
work they recorded directly referenced the environment in which they were located. The
research confirmed that it is natural for students to express emotions, opinions and a critical
attitude through their physicality.
emocionalna inteligencija
nastava predmeta Likovna kultura
neverbalna komunikacija
novi mediji
performativna komunikacija
Keywords (english)
art culture
emotional intelligence
nonverbal communication
new media
performative communication
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:301909
Study programme Title: Studies in Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-05-13 11:07:59