Title Aspekti duhovnosti u radu s bolesnicima s psihijatrijskim poremećajima
Title (english) Spirituality in the therapy of psychiatric disorders
Author Iva Marinović
Mentor Bjanka Vuksan-Ćusa (mentor)
Committee member Marina Šagud (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražen Begić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Bjanka Vuksan-Ćusa (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Psychiatry and Psychological Medicine) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-11-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Posljednjih godina, u medicini, a naročito u psihijatriji, nailazi se na velik interes za
duhovnost. Duhovnost postaje glavnim predmetom znanstvenih rasprava i istraživanja. Može
se pronaći velik broj znanstveno potkrepljenih činjenica o pozitivnim učincima duhovnosti na
liječenje i oporavak bolesnika. Spominju se pozitivne vrijednosti duhovnosti koje, između
ostaloga, smanjuju vrijeme hospitalizacije i vrijeme oporavka te utječu na bolju prilagodbu
bolesnika na bolest. Duhovnost je
... More za ljude u najstarijim znanim civilizacijama predstavljala
izvor snage i umijeće koje je pomagalo u borbi protiv životnih patnji i bolesti. Duhovnost se
ne može izostaviti iz čovjekovog bitka jer upravo ona, uz psihološku i tjelesnu dimenziju,
tvori čovjeka u njegovoj cjelovitosti. Čovjeka je potrebno sagledati kroz sve tri spomenute
dimenzije jer je svaka od njih podjednako bitna i vrijedna. Duhovnost je sve više prisutna u
liječenju psihijatrijskih bolesnika jer se pokazala učinkovitom i važnom komponentom u
procesu zdravstvene njege. Snaga čovjekove duhovnosti leži u prihvaćanju bolesti i patnje kao
sredstva za duhovni rast i nadilaženje samog sebe. Nadalje, snaga duhovnosti je u pronalasku
ne samo smisla života uopće, nego i patnje i bolesti. Smisao života je prisutan u svakoj
životnoj situaciji i zahtijeva da ga se pronađe. Pronalazak smisla je individualna odgovornost i
životna zadaća svakog pojedinca. Psihijatrija, religija i duhovnost su odvojene discipline i
treba ih približavati. Premda različite, svaka od svojih spoznaja nudi vrijedne stavke koje u
konačnici čine nedjeljivu cjelinu bitnu u radu s psihijatrijskim bolesnicima. U današnjem
vremenu, psihijatrija i duhovnost mogu mnogo pridonijeti izgradnji zdravijeg društva. Bitna
karika zdravstvenog tima koji skrbi za psihijatrijske bolesnike je medicinska sestra. Svojim
znanjima, iskustvima i vještinama, medicinska sestra pridonosi kvalitetnijem oporavku
bolesnika te čini da hospitalizacija protekne sa što manje neželjenih faktora. Medicinska
sestra treba pokazati u odnosu prema psihijatrijskom bolesniku holistički pristup i promatrati
ga, primarno kao jedinstvenu osobu, a tek onda kao bolesnika. Budući da najviše vremena
provede s bolesnikom, medicinska sestra može prepoznati i razumjeti potrebe bolesnika.
Medicinska sestra treba prepoznati važnost duhovnih i religijskih uvjerenja bolesnika,
poštivati iste, djelovati u skladu s time te usmjeravati planirane intervencije na dobrobit
tjelesnog i duhovnog stanja bolesnika. Duhovnost je bitna u čovjekovom životu i ne bi trebala
biti izostavljena tijekom psihijatrijskog liječenja. Less
Abstract (english) In recent years, a great deal of interest towards spirituality can be found in medicine
and particularly psychiatry. Spirituality is becoming a major subject of scientific debate and
research. A large number of scientifically substantiated facts about the positive effects of
spirituality on healing and recovery of patients can be found. Positive values of spirituality are
mentioned, which, among other things, reduce the hospitalization and recovery times and
positively impact the
... More adaptation of patients to the disease. For people in the oldest known
civilizations, spirituality represented a source of strength and a skill which aided their struggle
against the sufferings of life and diseases. Spirituality cannot be excluded from the overall
human existence because, in addition to the psychological and physical dimensions, it forms a
human being in its entireness. A human being needs to be observed through all three
mentioned dimensions because each of them is equally important and valuable. Spirituality is
increasingly present in the treatment of psychiatric patients because it has proven to be an
effective and important component in the health care process. The strength of human
spirituality is in accepting the illness and suffering as a means to achieve the spiritual growth
and self-transcendence. Furthermore, the power of spirituality is in finding not only the
meaning of life in general, but also the meaning of suffering and disease. The meaning of life
is present in every life situation and requires to be found. Finding meaning is the individual
responsibility and life task of each person. Psychiatry, religion and spirituality are disjoint
disciplines and they need to be joined together. Although different, each of them provides
specific insights with valuable items which ultimately form an indivisible whole which is
essential in working with psychiatric patients. Nowadays, psychiatry and spirituality can
contribute much to building a healthier society. An essential link of a medical team taking
care for psychiatric patients is a nurse. With her knowledge, experience and skills, the nurse
aids the recovery of the patient and minimizes the unwanted factors within the hospitalization
process. The nurse should show a holistic approach to the psychiatric patient and view him,
primarily as an individual person, and only then as a patient. Thanks to spending most of her
time with the patient, the nurse can recognize and understand the patient’s needs. The nurse
should recognize the importance of spiritual and religious beliefs of the patient, act
respectfully towards his beliefs, and direct the planned interventions for the benefit of
physical and spiritual conditions of the patient. Spirituality is an essential component of
human life and should not be neglected during the psychiatric treatment. Less
medicinska sestra
holistički pristup
Keywords (english)
holistic approach
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:269137
Study programme Title: Studies in Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-05-13 11:17:29