Abstract | Cilj: Opći cilj ove retrospektivne studije je prikaz načina detekcije akutnog apendicitisa transabdominalnim ultrazvukom (TU), a specifični cilj je evaluacija točnosti ove metode. -----
Pacijenti i metode: U ovoj retrospektivnoj studiji koja je provedena u razdoblju siječnja 2014 - prosinca 2015 godine, pregledano je 195 bolesnika s akutnim bolovima u abdomenu i drugim simptomima (mučnina, povraćanje, dijareja, učestalo mokrenje), koji kliničkom slikom i laboratorijskim nalazima krvi i urina mogu upućivati na akutni apendicitis. Pregledano je ukupno 14 djece (7,1%) i 181 (92,7 %) odraslih. Od ukupno 14 pregledane djece bilo je 8 dječaka (57,14 %) i 6 djevojčica (42,85 %) u dobi od 5-13 godina. Među bolesnicima bilo je 43 % muškaraca i 57 % žena u dobi od 5- 85 godina
[SDEV=56,56]. -----
Rezultati: Od ukupnog broja (N=195) bolesnika koji su imali akutne tegobe i bolove u abdomenu nakon kliničkog pregleda i laboratorijskih pretraga krvi i urina, transabdominalnim ultrazvučnim pregledom akutni apendicitis utvrđen je u 8,78 % bolesnika koji su upućeni na operativni zahvat. Operativnim zahvatom potvrđen je apendicitis u 7,6% bolesnika, a u 1,02 % bolesnika utvrđen je terminalni ileitis. Utvrđena je prevalencija akutnog apendicitisa 7,6 % od ukupnog broja pregledanih bolesnika (N=195), zatim PPV 88,24 %, NPV 99,44 %, osjetljivost 93, 75 %, specifičnost 98,88%, Likelihood Ratio + LR (pozitivni test) 83,91, Likelihood Ratio - LR (negativni test) 0,06, a omjer šansi valjanosti ove metode u detekciji akutnog apendicitisa Diagnostic Odds Ratio iznosi 973. -----
Zaključak: S obzirom na prezentirane rezultate ove retrospektivne studije, evidentno je da ultrazvučna metoda ima visoku specifičnost i osjetljivost, kao i visoki omjer šansi (Diagnostic Odds Ratio) i stoga je izuzetno pouzdana, a ujedno je široko dostupna i jednostavna metoda za bolesnike u dijagnostici akutnog apendicitisa. |
Abstract (english) | Objective: The main objective of this retrospective study is to show the ways of detection of acute appendicitis through transabdominal ultrasound (TU), and a specific objective is to evaluate the accuracy of this method. -----
Patients and Methods: In this retrospective study, which was conducted from January 2014- December 2015 years, 195 patients was examined with acute abdominal pain and other symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, frequent urination), which in the clinical picture and laboratory findings of the blood and urine may indicate appendicitis. Among all patients (N=195) who were examined there were 7,1% children and 92,7% adults. Among 14 children who were examined there were 8 male children (57,14%) and 6 femele children (42,85%) in the age of 5-13. Among all patients 43% were male and 57% female patients between the ages of 5- 85 years . -----
Results: From the total number of patients (N = 195) who had acute discomfort and pain in the abdomen, after clinical examination and laboratory tests of blood and urine, transabdominal ultrasound detected in patients 8.78% appendicitis and patients were referred to surgery. After surgery procedure appendicitis was confirmed in 7.6% patients and in 1.02% was diagnosed terminal ileitis. This examination showed the prevalence of acute appendicitis 7,6% out of the total number of examined patients (N = 195), followed by PPV 88,24% , NPV 99,44%, sensitivity 93,75 %, specificity of 98,88%, likelihood ratio +LR (positive test) 83,91, likelihood ratio -LR (negative test) 0,06 and the odds ratio validity of this method in the detection of acute appendicitis (Diagnostic Odds ratio) was 973. -----
Conclusion: Considering the presented results of this retrospective study, it is evident that the ultrasound method in this study shows high specificity and sensitivity of the method, as well as high ratio of chances (Diagnostic Odds Ratio) and therefore is extremely reliable method in detecting acute appendicitis, also is easy to use and also widly avaliable. |