Title Uzroci nastanka hipoglikemija u šećernoj bolesti i njihove posljedice
Title (english) Causes of hypoglycemia in diabetic patients and its consequences
Author Petra Visković
Mentor Spomenka Ljubić (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Bulum (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivančica Delaš (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Spomenka Ljubić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Internal Medicine) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-07-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Internal Medicine
Abstract Šećerna bolest je kronična metabolička bolest, karakterizirana hiperglikemijom te poremećajem metabolizma ugljikohidrata, masti i bjelančevina. Postoje više oblika šećerne bolesti: šećerna bolest tipa 1, šećerna bolest tipa 2, gestacijska šećerna bolest i ostali posebni tipovi šećerne bolesti. Broj oboljelih od šećerne bolesti se neprekidno povećava u čitavom svijetu pa tako i u Hrvatskoj. Procjenjuje se da od šećerne bolesti boluje 9,3 % svjetske populacije, dok je u Hrvatskoj broj registriranih osoba sa šećernom bolešću 2018. godine bio 303 992. Šećerna bolest tipa 1 liječi se inzulinskom terapijom, dok se šećerna bolest tipa 2
liječi oralnim lijekovima, ali i inzulinskom terapijom kada dođe do iscrpljivanja β-stanica gušterače. Za oba tipa šećerne bolesti važna je promjena prehrambenih navika i promjena životnog stila. Jedna od najtežih nuspojava inzulinske terapije i oralnih lijekova je hipoglikemija. Hipoglikemija je smanjena koncentracija glukoze u krvi koja zbog toga uzrokuje karakteristične simptome i znakove. U stanju hipoglikemije javljaju se neurogeni i neuroglukopenijski simptome. Učestalost ozbiljne hipoglikemije u šećernoj bolesti tipa 2 manja je nego u šećernoj bolesti tipa 1, no budući da je šećerna bolest tipa 2 deset puta češća od šećerne bolesti tipa 1, hipoglikemija u šećernoj bolesti tipa 2 predstavlja veći klinički problem. Uzroci hipoglikemija u šećernoj bolesti su: 1) prevelika doza inzulina ili inzulinskih sekretagoga, pogrešno vrijeme aplikacija ili pogrešna vrsta terapije, 2) smanjeni unos ugljikohidrata, 3) povećana potreba za glukozom, 4) smanjena endogena sinteza glukoze, 5) povećana osjetljivost na inzulin te 6) smanjeno izlučivanje lijekova zbog bubrežne insuficijencije. Hipoglikemija uzrokuje brojne komplikacije, primjer su kardiovaskularne bolesti koje su vodeći uzrok smrtnosti u pacijenta sa šećernom bolesti te kognitivno oštećenje i demencija. Važno je znati da hipoglikemija ima psihosocijalne posljedice i znatan utjecaj na kvalitetu života u pacijenata sa šećernom bolešću, a zbog straha od hipoglikemije pacijenti se često ne pridržavaju propisane terapije. Iz svih navedenih razloga bitno je da glikemijski ciljevi budu individualizirani za svakog pojedinog pacijenta. Naglasak treba biti na individualnom pristupu bolesniku, postizanju dobre glikemijske kontrole, i tako prevenciji nastanka mikrovaskularnih komplikacija, a uz minimalan rizik nastanka hipoglikemija.
Abstract (english) Diabetes mellitus is a longterm metabolic condition characterized by hyperglycemia and a disorder of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. There are multiple types of diabetes: type 1 diabetes mellitus, type 2 diabetes mellitus, gestational diabetes, and other specific types of diabetes. The number of people with diabetes is rising constantly, both in Croatia and worldwide. It is estimated that 9.3 % of the world’s population is currently affected by diabetes, whereas in Croatia the number of registered persons with diabetes in 2018. was 303 992. Type 1 diabetes mellitus is treated with insulin therapy and type 2 diabetes mellitus is treated with oral medications and in cases of insufficient β-cell secretion of insulin, insulin injections may be necessary. In both types of diabetes, it is important to make lifestyle changes that include a healthy diet and regular exercise. One of the most serious complications of insulin therapy and oral medications is hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is a plasma glucose concentration low enough to cause signs and symptoms. Symptoms caused by hypoglycemia can be divided into two categories: neuroglycopenic and neurogenic symptoms. The incidence of severe hypoglycemia in type 2 diabetes is lower than in type 1 diabetes, but since type 2 diabetes is ten times more common than type 1, hypoglycemia in type 2 diabetes presents a greater clinical problem. Causes of hypoglycemia in diabetic patients include: 1) insulin (or insulin secretagogu) doses that are excessive, applied in wrong time or of the wrong type, 2) decreased glucose intake, 3) increased glucose utilization, 4) decreased endogenous glucose synthesis, 5) increased insulin sensitivity and 6) decreased medication clearance because of renal insufficiency. Hypoglycemia is associated with
multiple complications, for example cardiovascular diseases (which are the most common cause of mortality in diabetic patients), as well as with cognitive dysfunction and dementia. Finally, it is important to note that hypoglycemia has psychological and social consequences and considerable influence on the quality of life and is a limiting factor in the glycemic control of diabetes because patient’s fear of new hypoglycemia. Therefore, glycemic control should be individualized for every patient. The emphasis must be on an individual approach to every patient, achieving good glycemic control ain order to prevent microvascular complications but with minimal risk of hypoglycemia.
šećerna bolest
uzroci hipoglikemije
komplikacije hipoglikemije
Keywords (english)
causes of hypoglycemia
consequences of hypoglycemia
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:556869
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-08-23 11:44:35