Title Kongenitalni kolesteatom
Title (english) Congenital cholesteatoma
Author Laura Dražić
Mentor Jakov Ajduk (mentor)
Committee member Davor Vagić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mihael Ries (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jakov Ajduk (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Othorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-07-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Otorhinolaryngology
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Surgery
Abstract Kolesteatomom nazivamo prisutnost epitela (pločastih stanica kože) u srednjem uhu. Dijelimo ga na kongenitalni i stečeni kolesteatom. Za razliku od stečenog kolesteatoma, koji nastaje urastanjem epitela s vanjske strane bubnjića, za kongenitalni kolesteatom se smatra da nastaje od zarobljenog epitela u šupljini srednjeg uha tijekom embriogeneze. Simptomi stečenog kolesteatoma su provodna nagluhost, otoreja, otalgija, tinnitus, vrtoglavica te problemi s ravnotežom. U anamnezi kongenitalnog
... More kolesteatoma većinom nedostaju podaci o prethodnim upalama, curenju iz uha te operacijama uha. Obično su prvi znaci provodni gubitak sluha ili komplikacije širenja kolesteatoma u okolne strukture (pareza n.facijalisa, labirintitis, mastoiditis, petrozitis, intrakranijalne infekcije...). Kolesteatom dijagnosticiramo fizikalnim pregledom; otoskopijom, otomikroskopijom, audiološkim testovima (audiometrijom i timpanometrijom) te radiološkim pretragama (kompjuteriziranom tomografijom (CT) i magnetskom rezonancijom (MR)). Liječenje kongenitalnog i stečenog kolesteatoma je kirurško. Ciljevi zahvata su: potpuno odstranjenje tvorbe i funkcionalna rekonstrukcija srednjeg uha. Konzervativno liječenje provodi se u pacijenata koji imaju kontraindikaciju za operativni zahvat odnosno kod smirivanja recidivirajućih akutnih upala koje nastaju uslijed kolesteatoma. Recidiv bolesti važna je značajka kolesteatoma koja je posljedica njegove invazivne prirode te se savjetuje praćenje nakon kirurškog zahvata. Nakon postavljanja dijagnoze kongenitalnog kolesteatoma na jednom uhu, bilateralna bolest mora biti isključena. Less
Abstract (english) Cholesteatoma is the presence of squamous skin cells (epithelium) in the middle ear. We divide it into congenital and acquired cholesteatoma. In contrast to the acquired cholesteatoma, which is formed from the growing epithelium from the outer side of the eardrum, congenital cholesteatoma is formed from the trapped epithelium in the middle ear cavity during embryogenesis. Symptoms of acquired cholesteatoma are conductive hearing loss, otorrhea, otalgia, tinnitus, dizziness, and balance
... More problems. History of congenital cholesteatoma usually excludes former ear inflammations, leak from the ear and history of ear operations. The first signs are conductive hearing loss or complications of spreading cholesteatoma (facial paresis, labyrinthitis, mastoiditis, petrositis, intracranial infections...). Cholesteatoma is diagnosed by physical examination; otoscopy, otomicroscopy, audiological tests (audiometry and tympanometry) and radiological examinations (computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)). The treatment of cholesteatoma is surgical. The goals include the complete elimination of middle ear formation and functional reconstruction of the middle ear. Conservative treatment is performed in patients who have a contraindication for surgery or for the relief of recurrent acute inflammation resulting from cholesteatoma. Recidivism is an important feature of a cholesteatoma that is a consequence of its invasive nature; therefore, follow-up after surgery is advised. After a diagnosis of congenital cholesteatoma in one ear, bilateral disease must be ruled out. Less
kongenitalni kolesteatom
provodni gubitak sluha
Keywords (english)
congenital cholesteatoma
conductive hearing loss
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:314414
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-09-02 10:17:52