Title Mehanizam nastanka prijeloma humerusa u zagrebačke djece
Title (english) Mechanisms of humerus fractures in children of Zagreb
Author Tomislav Vlahek
Mentor Anko Antabak (mentor)
Committee member Krešimir Bulić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Meštrović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Anko Antabak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Surgery) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-07-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Surgery
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Orthopedics
Abstract Zbog nespretnosti, nepažnje i neiskustva prijelomi nadlaktične kosti u djece su vrlo česti. U dobi do 7 godina, ovi prijelomi su najčešći od svih prijeloma. Cilj ovoga rada je analizirati uzroke prijeloma, mjesta gdje nastaju te aktivnosti koje doprinose
povećanju rizika nastanka prijeloma. Analizirano je 243 djece liječenih u KBC-u Zagreb zbog prijeloma nadlaktične u kosti u razdoblju od 2015. do 2019. godine. Najviše djece se ozljeđivalo u dobi od 5 – 9 godina s vrhom incidencije u sedmoj godini života. Češće su se ozljeđivali dječaci od djevojčica te je češće bila slomljena lijeva ruka. Najčešće se lomila distalna trećina nadlaktične kosti u obliku suprakondilarnog prijeloma. U većini slučajeva radilo se o nestabilnom prijelomu te je bilo potrebno kirurško liječenje. Glavna mjesta gdje su se prijelomi dogodili bili su športske i atletske površine, zatim nešto rjeđe kod kuće te u školi i na ulici. Značajna mjesta prijeloma su dječja igrališta gdje se ističu ljuljačke i tobogani. Kao sport s najviše prijeloma nadlaktične kosti ističe se nogomet. Iako većina prijeloma u djece završava bez gubitka funkcije, prijelomi u djece dovode do drugih vrsta problema. Stres hospitalizacije i kirurškog liječenja, izbivanje iz škole i smanjenje aktivnosti tjednima ili čak mjesecima samo su neki od njih. Bolničko liječenje i kasniji kontrolni pregledi stvaraju određeni trošak za bolnicu. Uzimajući u obzir veliku učestalost prijeloma zbog padova s ljuljačke, tobogana, trampolina i ostalih sprava u parkovima i dječjim igralištima valjalo bi prilikom gradnje novih ili unaprjeđivanja starijih igrališta dati veći značaj pitanju sigurnosti i ublažavanja eventualnih padova, a sve to s ciljem prevencije prijeloma i drugih težih ozljeda.
Abstract (english) As a result of clumsiness, carelessness and inexperience, fractures of the upper arm in children are very common. By the age of 7, these fractures are the most common of all fractures. The aim of this paper is to analyze causes of fractures, places where they occur and activities that contribute to increasing the risk of fractures of the humerus. The paper analyzed 243 children, treated at the University Hospital Center in Zagreb for fractures of the upper arm in the period from 2015 to 2019. Most injuries occured between the age of 5 and 9 with a peak incidence at the age of 7. Boys were injured more often than girls. Left arm was broken more frequently than right with distal third being the most often broken part of humerus. In most cases, it was an unstable fracture and it requiered surgical treatment. The main places where the fractures occurred were sports and athletic fields, somewhat less frequently at home, at school and on the street. Significant places of fracture are children's playgrounds where swings and slides stand out as the biggest risk contributors. Football stands out as the sport with the most fractures of the upper arm bone. Although most fractures in children heal without loss of function, fractures in children lead to other types of problems. The stress of hospitalization and surgical treatment, being absent from school and reduced activity for weeks or even months are just some of them. Hospital treatment and subsequent check-ups generate, also, a certain cost for the hospital. Considering the high frequency of fractures due to falls from swings, slides, trampolines and other devices in parks and children's playgrounds, when building new or upgrading older playgrounds, greater importance should be given to the issue of safety and mitigation of possible falls in order to prevent fractures and other serious injuries.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:777284
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-09-14 07:56:00