Abstract | Diabetes mellitus type 1, or Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM), is a chronic autoimmune disease caused by the absolute lack of insulin hormone in the body. The essential function of Insulin hormone is to keep the body's glucose metabolism and homeostasis. The pathophysiology behind IDDM is an unregulated attack of the β-pancreatic cells by the immune cells of the own body. Consequently, the result is irreversible damage to the insulin-producing cells, β-pancreatic cells. Therefore, for IDDM patients, the main problem is keeping glucose homeostasis. In the long run, IDDM patients may suffer from complications in different body systems such as vascular, renal and, neurologic. IDDM disease most commonly diagnosed around the ages of childhood to adolescence. In the course of this period, kids and teenagers are dealing with constant mental and physical changes such as identity formation, building self-ego and friendship circles, hormonal changes, etc. Furthermore, this years-period is full with challenges and dynamic psychological stressors which, help building the personality and internal view of the self. In the same manner, each individual is built from a complex of coping mechanisms and personality characters, making each one’s strategy of behavior towered stresses different. Diagnosis and management of IDDM add load and stress even more, which according to researches affecting glycemic control. The thesis will describe the psychological aspects concerning IDDM patients. Furthermore, the thesis will subordinate these psychological factors as protective or risk factors for DM1, based on a variety of researches data. By the end of the thesis, it will be clear to understand that the needs and, treatment approach may be different if it is child, adolescent or, adult. Overall, there is still not enough data about the emotional management and, the different approaches to use while dealing with a chronic disease. Nevertheless, there are more and more data being discovered, which assists physicians to understand how to yield with their patients the best, or at least a better, outcome. Important to add that the thesis based on researches later than the year 2000 since the treatment has changed dramatically. |
Abstract (croatian) | Šećerna bolest tipa 1 je kronična autoimuna bolest karakterizirana deficitom inzulina. Glava uloga inzulina je održavanje metabolizma i homeostaze glukoze u tijelu. Patofiziološki, kod šećerne bolesti tipa 1 dolazi do ireverzibilnog, imunološki posredovanog, oštećenja beta stanica gušterače koje su odgovorne za sekreciju inzulina. Za bolesnike s tipom 1 šećerne bolesti najvažniji je problem održavanje homeostaze glukoze u tijelu. Bolesnici sa šećernom bolesti tipa 1 dugoročno zadobivaju komplikacije bolesti na različitim organima kao što su oštećenja krvnih žila, slabljenje bubrežne funkcije i bolest živčanog sustava. Dijagnoza šećerne bolesti tipa 1 najčešće se postavlja u djetinjstvu i u adolescenciji. Taj je period života karakteriziran fizičkim i mentalnim promjenama koje se događaju u tijelu uz intenzivne promjene koje se odvijaju na socijalnom planu. To je vrlo dinamično razdoblje života u kojem su djeca i mladi izloženi različitim izazovima i vanjskim stresorima s kojima se nose pomoću različitih mehanizama obrane. Život s dijagnozom šećerne bolesti tipa 1 u tom periodu predstavlja dodatan izazov i stres. U ovome radu sumirani su rezultati dosadašnjih istraživanja koja su se bavila analizom protektivnih odnosno rizičnih psiholoških faktora na uspješnost liječenja šećerne bolesti tipa 1. Rezultati dosadašnjih istraživanja ukazuju da je različita vrsta psihološkog suporta potrebna kod različitih dobnih skupina bolesnika koji boluju od šećerne bolesti tipa 1. Sve je više istraživanja koja se bave zbrinjavanjem emocionalnih problema mladih bolesnika s kroničnim bolestima s ciljem poboljšanja regulacije osnovne bolesti. Međutim, to područje i dalje ostaje kao velik izazov kako za liječnika tako i za bolesnike i njihove obitelji. |