Title Ethical aspects of abortion
Title (croatian) Etički aspekti pobačaja
Author Amit Moses
Mentor Josip Juras (mentor)
Committee member Slavko Orešković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dinka Pavičić Baldani (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Josip Juras (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Gynecology and Obstetrics
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care Public Health
Abstract The issue of abortion involves a large number of people and all kinds of social classes. First, it is an issue that directly affects the individual, in this case the woman and the child, but indirectly also the immediate family members, causing numerous and unpleasant events. Moreover, abortions can trigger conflict within a society that may involve violence. At the level of governments and the health system, abortions are usually seen in statistics as a cause of potential economic harm. There is a difference in attitudes towards abortions between countries, which are usually divided into western and non-western states. In those states that are considered members of Western civilization, liberal attitudes and fundamental human rights are nurtured. The reasons for abortion are many, ranging from socioeconomic, overlapping marital infidelity, desire to continue a childless life for the purpose of achieving one's life goals, controlling number of family members and the population, rejecting a sick fetus, rejecting a child as a product of rape, but also physical or mental illness of mother. The technological revolution has brought numerous opportunities in pre- and antenatal care. In many cases it is a blessing, problems start when the use of technology is applied for the wrong reasons and violates many ethical laws. It will be almost impossible to overcome the damage that has already occurred as a result of distorted attitudes. In the coming decades, the human species will face great challenges, with the exponential development of technology that no longer knows the frontiers. It will be interesting to see how the human species will deal with the complicated issues of human engineering. The right to natural selection or the desire for perfection? Which aspiration will prevail? Will the number of abortions be higher or lower and will it be affected by changes in the law, moral or overall civilizational reach, especially technology and the health system?
Abstract (croatian) Pitanje pobačaja obuhvaća velik broj ljudi svih društvenih slojeva. Prije svega, to je pitanje koje utječe izravno na pojedinca, u ovome slučaju ženu i dijete, ali neizravno i na članove uže obitelji, uzrokujući brojne i nevoljne događaje. Štoviše, prekidi trudnoće mogu potaknuti sukob unutar društva koji može uključivati nasilje. Na razini vlada i zdravstvenog sustava, pobačaji se u statistici obično vide kao razlog potencijalne ekonomske štete. Postoji razlika u stavovima prema pobačajima među zemljama koje se obično razdvajaju na zapadne i ne-zapadne države. U onim državama koje se smatraju članicama zapadnjačke civilizacije njeguju se liberalni stavovi i njeguju osnovna ljudska prava. Razlozi za pobačaj brojni su, protežu se od socioekonomskih, prekrivanja bračne nevjere, želje za nastavkom života bez djeteta u svrhu ostvarivanja vlastitih životnih ciljeva, kontrole članova obitelji i populacije, odbacivanja bolesnog fetusa, odbacivanja djeteta kao proizvoda silovanja, ali i fizičke ili mentalne bolesti majke. Tehnološka revolucija donijela je brojne mogućnosti očuvanja trudnoće. U
mnogim slučajevima to je blagoslov, problemi počinju kada se upotreba tehnologije primjenjuje iz pogrešnih razloga i krši mnoge etičke zakone. Bit će gotovo nemoguće nadvladati štetu koja je već nastala kao rezultat iskrivljenih stavova. U narednim desetljećima ljudska će se vrsta suočiti s velikim izazovima, s eksponencijalnim razvojem tehnologije koji više ni ne poznaje granice. Bit će zanimljivo vidjeti kako će se ljudska vrsta nositi s kompliciranim pitanjima ljudskog inženjerstva. Pravo na prirodnu selekciju ili želju za savršenstvom? Koja će težnja prevladati? Hoće li broj pobačaja biti veći ili manji te hoće li na to imati utjecaja promjena zakona, morala ili ukupan civilizacijski doseg, naročito tehnologije i zdravstvenog sustava?
Keywords (croatian)
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:401226
Study programme Title: Medicine (in English language) Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Public note Pohranitelj objekta unio ključne riječi.
Created on 2021-10-07 12:03:13