Title Novel therapies in the treatment of Prader-Willi syndrome
Title (croatian) Nove terapije u liječenju Prader-Willijevog sindroma
Author Petra Sulić
Mentor Mario Ćuk (mentor)
Committee member Mario Ćuk (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Jelušić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Danko Milošević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Pediatrics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-07-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Pediatrics
Abstract Prader–Willi syndrome (PWS) is a rare and complex genetically determined neurodevelopmental disorder. PWS. It is caused by the loss of function of paternal genes in a particular region of chromosome 15q11.2-q13. It is the most common genetic cause of life-threatening obesity in humans. It occurs in 1 in 15,000 to 1 in 30,000 infants, and both sexes are affected equally. PWS is characterized by severe hypotonia and feeding difficulties in early infancy, followed by excessive eating and gradual
... More development of morbid obesity in early childhood, together with a series of comorbidities including short stature, typical facial dysmorphism, psychomotor delay, behavioral abnormalities, and cognitive impairment. Obesity is the reason why this syndrome is related to many difficulties. When PWS was discovered, a child with PWS had small or no chance for survival. Today, the PWS diagnosis can be confirmed as early as in the first month of life using DNA testing (analysis). The cure for PWS is still not found; however, some medications and procedures can reduce the incidence of physical symptoms of the disease and significantly improve the quality of life. Up to date, several kinds of treatment have been used, such as growth hormone therapy, nutritive measures, sex hormone replacement, thyroid hormone replacement, and promotion of psychomotor development. Although no drugs have proven effective in controlling appetite and weight gain in PWS, there are reasons to be hopeful. Many anti-obesity medicines and other therapeutic modalities currently in clinical development, described in this paper, can offer new therapeutic options for individuals with PWS. The most promising results were noted in treatment with neuropeptide oxytocin, its analog carbetocin, and Indian cactus succulent Caralluma fimbriata extract (CFE). With early diagnosis and improved new treatment, the quality of life of individuals with PWS can be improved, severe health complications prevented, and life expectancy prolonged. Less
Abstract (croatian) Prader-Willi sindrom (PWS) je rijedak i složen genetički određen neurorazvojni poremećaj. Nastaje zbog gubitka funkcije očevih gena u određenoj regiji kromosoma 15q11.2-q13. Najčešći je genetski uzrok pretilosti opasne po život. Javlja se u 1 na 15 000 do 1 na 30 000 novorođenčadi te su oba spola podjednako pogođena. PWS karakteriziraju jaka hipotonija i poteškoće s hranjenjem u ranoj dojenačkoj dobi, praćeno prekomjernom prehranom i postupnim razvojem morbidne pretilosti u ranom
... More djetinjstvu, zajedno s nizom komorbiditeta uključujući kratki rast, tipični faktor dismorfizma, psihomotorno kašnjenje, poremećaje ponašanja i oštećenje kognitivnih funkcija. Razlog povezanosti ovog sindroma s mnogim poteškoćama je pretilost. U vrijeme kada je PWS otkriven, šanse za preživljavanjem su bile male ili nikakve. Danas se dijagnoza PWS-a može potvrditi već u prvom mjesecu života primjenom DNK testiranja (analize). Lijek za PWS još uvijek nije pronađen, međutim postoje lijekovi i postupci koji mogu smanjiti učestalost fizičkih simptoma bolesti i tako uvelike poboljšati kvalitetu života. Danas postoji nekoliko vrsta liječenja, poput terapije hormonom rasta, prehrambenim mjerama,
nadomještanjem spolnih hormona i hormona štitnjače, te promicanjem psihomotornog razvoja. Iako se do danas niti jedan lijek nije pokazao učinkovitim u kontroli apetita i regulacije povećanja tjelesne težine, nova istraživanjima ulijevaju nadu. Mnogi lijekovi i drugi terapeutski modaliteti protiv pretilosti na kojima se trenutačno provode istraživanja će nadamo se ponuditi nove terapijske mogućnosti za osobe sa PWS-om. Najperspektivniji rezultati zabilježeni su u liječenju neuropeptidnim hormonom oksitocinom, ili njegovim analogom, karbetocinom i ekstraktom indijskog kaktusa
Caralluma fimbriata (CFE). Uz ranu dijagnozu i uznapredovalo liječenje mogu se spriječiti ozbiljne zdravstvene komplikacije, poboljšati kvaliteta života i produžiti životni vijek osobe s PWS-om. Less
Prader-Willi syndrome
novel therapy
Keywords (croatian)
Prader-Willijev sindrom
nova terapija
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:895150
Study programme Title: Medicine (in English language) Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-10-08 11:34:32