Title Secondary restless legs syndrome
Title (croatian) Sekundarni sindrom nemirnih nogu
Author Ryan Murray Alexander Walker
Mentor Srđana Telarović (mentor)
Committee member Srđana Telarović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zdravka Poljaković-Skurić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mario Habek (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Neurology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-07-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Neurology
Abstract Secondary restless legs syndrome is now considered one of the most common disorders you have never heard of. With a prevalence of around 5 to 15%, this disorder affects a significant portion of the population and therefore requires attention. The objective of this review was to look at all of the possible secondary causes of restless legs syndrome and whether there is strong
enough evidence to support these associations. It is now widely accepted that the first depiction of possible RLS was outlined in 1672 by the well-known English Physician Sir Thomas Willis. Restless legs syndrome diagnoses has to meet the criteria set out by the international restless legs syndrome study group (IRLSSG). Restless legs syndrome can present in many various forms and can occur at any time throughout life. Patients who suffer from restless legs syndrome will often experience motor and sensory symptoms, or one of the two components. There are also other associated features such as sleep disturbances and fatigue, that can often negatively affect the quality of life of the sufferer. Restless legs syndrome can be treated with various nonpharmacological and pharmacological options. In this review we found a strong association between restless legs syndrome and iron deficiency, renal disease and pregnancy. Parkinson’s disease, essential tremor, some neuropathies and familial ataxias also showed some strong evidence towards an increase in the prevalence of restless legs syndrome in these disorders, however more long-term studies need to be done. We looked at many other possible associations, such as multiple sclerosis, myelinopathy, fibromyalgia and stroke. These, however, lack concrete findings to their associations, with possible alternative factors contributing to these associations with restless legs syndrome. It is important that restless legs syndrome sufferers be identified. Patients with mild symptoms, might simply need reassurance, while more moderate to severe symptoms might need pharmacological treatment. It is imperative that these secondary causes be screened when making the diagnosis of restless legs
syndrome, as by treating them the symptoms of restless legs syndrome may be resolved and therefore not require other treatment modalities specific to restless legs syndrome.
Abstract (croatian) Pacijenti koji pate od sindroma nemirnih nogu često će imati motoričke i senzorne simptome, ili jednu od dvije komponente. Postoje i druge povezane značajke poput poremećaja spavanja i umora, koje često mogu negativno utjecati na kvalitetu života oboljelog. Sindrom nemirnih nogu može se liječiti raznim nefarmakološkim i farmakološkim mogućnostima. U ovom smo pregledu pronašli snažnu povezanost između sindroma nemirnih nogu i nedostatka željeza, bolesti bubrega i trudnoće. Parkinsonova bolest, esencijalni tremor, neke neuropatije i obiteljske ataksije također su pokazali neke snažne dokaze o Sekundarni sindrom nemirnih nogu sada se smatra jednim od najčešćih poremećaja za koji nikada niste čuli. S prevalencijom od oko 5 do 15%, ovaj poremećaj pogađa značajan dio populacije i zato zahtijeva pažnju. Cilj ovog pregleda bio je sagledati sve moguće sekundarne uzroke sindroma nemirnih nogu i postoje li dovoljno snažni dokazi koji podupiru ove asocijacije. Sada je široko prihvaćeno da je prvi prikaz mogućeg RLS-a izložio 1672. godine poznati engleski liječnik Sir Thomas Willis. Dijagnoze sindroma nemirnih nogu moraju udovoljavati kriterijima koje je postavila međunarodna istraživačka skupina za sindrom nemirnih nogu (IRLSSG). Sindrom nemirnih nogu može se pojaviti na mnogo različitih načina i može se javiti povećanju prevalencije sindroma nemirnih nogu kod ovih poremećaja, međutim potrebno je napraviti dugoročnija ispitivanja. Pregledali smo mnoge druge moguće povezanosti, poput multiple skleroze, mijelinopatije, fibromialgije i moždanog udara. Njima, međutim, nedostaju konkretni nalazi o njihovim udrugama, a mogući alternativni čimbenici doprinose tim udruženjima sa sindromom nemirnih nogu. Važno je identificirati oboljele od
sindroma nemirnih nogu. Pacijentima s blagim simptomima možda će jednostavno trebati osiguranje, dok umjerenim do težim simptomima može biti potrebno farmakološko liječenje. Ove sekundarne uzroke morat će se pregledati prilikom postavljanja dijagnoze sindroma nemirnih nogu, jer se njihovim liječenjem simptomi sindroma nemirnih nogu mogu riješiti i
stoga ne zahtijevaju druge modalitete liječenja specifične za sindrom nemirnih nogu.
Keywords (croatian)
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:120838
Study programme Title: Medicine (in English language) Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-12-22 11:05:41