Title Uloga medicinskih fakulteta u Domovinskom ratu
Title (english) The role of Faculties of Medicine in Croatian Homeland War
Author Elena Jelavić
Mentor Marijan Klarica (mentor)
Committee member Miloš Judaš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasenka Markeljević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijan Klarica (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Pharmacology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-07-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Basic Medical Sciences History of Medicine and the Biomedical Sciences
Abstract Pred početak Domovinskog rata Hrvatska je ostala bez rezervi lijekova, sanitetskog materijala i oružja koje je Teritorijalna obrana povukla. Prvi osnovani Krizni stožer bio je Glavni štab saniteta, kasnije, Glavni sanitetski stožer Republike Hrvatske. Osnovan je sa svrhom da pripremi zdravstveni sustav za ono što ga očekuje tijekom agresije: brigu za ranjenike, civile, vojnike, zbjegove, kao i informiranje međunarodne javnosti i preustrojavanje zdravstvenog sustava na način da adekvatno
... More odgovori na te događaje. Stoga je ustrojen jedinstveni integrirani civilno vojni zdravstveni sustav u čijoj su organizaciji, djelovanju, kao i donošenju strateški važnih odluka veliku ulogu imali medicinski fakulteti. Glavni cilj djelovanja svih djelatnika i studenata Fakulteta bio je smanjiti potencijalnu štetu. U skladu sa svojom misijom, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu bio je spreman odazvati se pozivu Vlade Republike Hrvatske i Kriznog stožera i preuzeo je glavnu ulogu u rješavanju humanitarnih kriza uzrokovanih agresijom na Hrvatsku i posljedicama koje su se dogodile u hrvatskom ratu za neovisnost. Budući da su u Hrvatskoj na početku rata bila dva medicinska fakulteta, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu sa svojim podružnicama u Splitu i Osijeku te riječki Medicinski fakultet, onda je jasno da su djelatnici tih fakulteta kao i djelatnici u njihovim nastavnim bazama i najvećim zdravstvenim institucijama najviše učinili u obrani, izravnim uključivanjem u liječenje oboljelih i ranjenih te edukacijom branitelja u pružanju prve pomoću. Stoga je rezultat na kraju rata bio takav, još nezabilježen u svjetskoj literaturi, da je smrtnost ranjenika bila ispod 1,5%. Medicinski fakulteti su svojim djelovanjem duboko utkani u stvaranje samostalne Republike Hrvatske. Less
Abstract (english) Just before The Homeland War started, Croatia was experiencing a shortage of drugs, medical supplies, and that of weapons and ammunition, all of which were taken away by the Territorial Defense. The first Crisis Headquarters to be founded was the General Headquarters of the Medic al Corps, later known as the General Staff of the Medical Corps of the Republic of Croatia. It was founded with the goal of ensuring the medical system's preparedness for what awaits it during the aggression:
... More providing healthcare for wounded soldiers, civilians, refugees; informing the public, and reorganizing the healthcare system to best respond to these situations. For this reason, a unitary, integrated civilian military healthcare system was established in whose organization, work, and strategic decision making, the Faculti es of Medicine played a major role. The main objective of the staff and student body was to reduce the potential damage. In accordance with their mission, School of Medicine of the University of Zagreb was ready to head the call of the Government of the Republic of
Croatia and the Crisis Staff health and had taken a major role in addressing humanitarian crises crises caused by the aggression on Croatia and the consequences that occurred in The Croatian Homeland W ar . Seeing as there were only two Faculties of Medicine at the start of the war: School of Medicine of the University of Zagreb with its branches in Split and Osijek and The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Rijeka, it would be fair to conclude that it was their staff and that
of the largest medical institutions, that contributed the most to the defense of the country by treating the ill and wounded and educating the troops in first aid administration. This is the reason why, at the end of the war, the mortality rate in wounded soldiers was below 1,5% which explains just how much the Faculties of Medicine have contributed to the establishment of independent Republic of Croatia. Less
Domovinski rat
Medicinski fakultet
Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Keywords (english)
Homeland War
School of Medicine
University of Zagreb
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:315266
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Public note Pohranitelj objekta unio ključne riječi.
Created on 2022-02-09 12:45:17