Title Virusne upale prednjeg segmenta oka
Title (english) Viral anterior segment eye disease
Author Karlo Baričević
Mentor Miro Kalauz (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Jukić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nenad Vukojević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Miro Kalauz (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Ophthalmology and Optometry) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Ophthalmology
Abstract Virusne upale prednjeg segmenta oka česta su oftalmološka stanja i od velike su važnosti zbog toga što, u slučaju neadekvatnog liječenja, mogu imati značajne reperkusije na kvalitetu vida. Kako se mnoge infektivne i neifektivne bolesti prednjeg segmenta oka klinički mogu prezentirati slično, uz kvalitetan klinički pregled s procjepnom svjetiljkom te iscrpnu anamnezu, od velike koristi su i analiza očne vodice i polimerazna lančana reakcija (PCR). U ovom radu opisana su stanja: konjunktivitis, keratitis, te prednji uveitis. Konjunktivitis je upala očne spojnice, a kada govorimo o viralnim uzročnicima, daleko najznačajniji uzročnik je adenovirus. Obično su to samoograničavajuće bolesti, međutim, u slučaju komplikacija i težih oblika bolesti bitna je pravovremena reakcija kako bi se očuvala oštrina vida. Ponekad je za poboljšanje vidne oštrine jedina terapijska opcija fototerapeutska keratektomija excimer laserom. Virusni keratitis je upala rožnice koja je najčešće uzrokovana herpes simplex virusom. Dijagnoza herpetičnog keratitisa postavlja se kliničkim pregledom, a brza reakcija i početak liječenja su od iznimne važnosti zbog prevencije težih oštećenja rožnice. Prednji uveitis zahvaća prednji segment oka, i to najčešće šarenicu i cilijarno tijelo. Najčešći viralni uzročnici ovog stanja dolaze iz porodice Herpesviridae, a temeljna dijagnostička metoda za utvrđivanje točnog uzročnika je analiza očne vodice pomoću PCR-a. U liječenju prednjih uveitisa najvažnije skupine lijekova su aciklovir i njegovi analozi, te protuupalni lijekovi poput kortikosterioda i nesteriodnih protuupalnih lijekova. Odabir točne terapije će u ovim slučajevima uvelike ovisiti o konkretnom uzročniku koji je doveo do infekcije.
Abstract (english) Viral anterior segment eye diseases are common ophthalmic conditions and are of great importance because, in case of inadequate treatment, they can have significant repercussions on the quality of vision. As many infectious and non-infectious diseases of the anterior segment of the eye can be presented clinically in a similar way, with a quality clinical examination with a slit lamp and a comprehensive history, aqueous humor analysis and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) are of great benefit. This paper describes the conditions: conjunctivitis, keratitis, and anterior uveitis. Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, and when we talk about viral causes, by far the most significant cause is adenovirus. These are usually self-limiting diseases, however, in the case of complications and more severe forms of the disease, a timely reaction is important in order to preserve visual acuity. Sometimes excimer laser phototherapy keratectomy is the only therapeutic option to improve visual acuity. Viral keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea that is most commonly caused by the herpes simplex virus. The diagnosis of herpetic keratitis is made by clinical examination, and a rapid response and initiation of treatment are of utmost importance for the prevention of severe corneal damage. Anterior uveitis affects the anterior segment of the eye, most commonly the iris and ciliary body. The most common viral causes of this condition come from the family Herpesviridae, and the basic diagnostic method for determining the exact cause is the analysis of aqueous humor by PCR. In the treatment of anterior uveitis, the most important groups of drugs are acyclovir and its analogues, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs such as corticosteroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The choice of the correct therapy in these cases will largely depend on the specific causative agent that led to the infection.
prednji uveitis
Keywords (english)
anterior uveitis
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:738913
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-01-02 10:56:39