Title Starenje i bolesti srčanih zalistaka
Title (english) Ageing and valvular heart disease
Author Paula Bošnjak
Mentor Sandra Jakšić Jurinjak (mentor)
Committee member Jadranka Šeparović Hanževački (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Boško Skorić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandra Jakšić Jurinjak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Internal Medicine) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Internal Medicine
Abstract Bolesti srčanih zalistaka povezane su sa starenjem što nam pokazuje porast prevalencije u starijih. S obzirom na starenje opće populacije, očekuje se rast broja oboljelih od bolesti srčanih zalistaka kao i povećanje tereta zdravstvenom sustavu. Najčešće su bolesti srčanih zalistaka aortna stenoza i mitralna insuficijencija. Prevalencija aortne stenoze u općoj populaciji jest 0,4%, a u ljudi starijih od 65 godina 1,7%. S druge strane, prevalencija je prolapsa mitralnog zalistka, koji je najčešći uzrok mitralne insuficijencije koja zahtijeva operativni zahvat, 2-3% u općoj populaciji. Liječenje ovih bolesti i dalje se temelji na kirurškim postupcima, no postupci koji se sve češće izvode su transkateterske intervencije, poput TAVI-ja za liječenje aortne stenoze perkutanim pristupom. Farmakološko liječenje koristi se za ublažavanje simptoma. Rjeđe bolesti srčanih zalistaka su bolesti trikuspidalnog i pulmonalnog zaliska. Trikuspidalni je zalistak najčešće zahvaćen u sklopu druge srčane bolesti, tada obično nastaje sekundarna ili funkcionalna trikuspidalna regurgitacija. Pulmonalni zalistak rijetko je zahvaćen degenerativnim promjenama, ali interes za njega povećao se zadnjih godina. Česte su multivalvularne bolesti zalistaka i one predstavljaju izazov za liječenje. Pri odabiru modaliteta liječenja u obzir treba uzeti utjecaj pojedinačne bolesti zaliska na hemodinamiku, ali i međusobnu interakciju bolesti više zalistaka. U razmatranju degenerativnih bolesti u starenju srčanih zalistaka, najvažnija nam je kombinacija aortne stenoze i mitralne insuficijencije.
Abstract (english) Valvular heart diseases are associated with ageing and its indicator is an increase of prevalence with age. General population is getting older, so the rise in the number of people diagnosed with valvular heart disease is expected together with the increased burden on the healthcare system. The most common valvular heart diseases are aortic stenosis and mitral regurgitation. The prevalence of the aortic stenosis in the general population is 0.4% and in the group ˃ 65 years is 1.7%. The prevalence of mitral prolapse, which is the most common cause of the mitral regurgitation that has to undergo surgery, is 2-3% in the general population. Surgery is the treatment of choice. An alternative therapeutic option is transcatheter intervention, such as TAVI, which is used for the treatment of the aortic stenosis. Medical therapy is used for the symptom control. Less common degenerative heart valve diseases are those of tricuspid and pulmonary valve. The tricuspid valve is mostly affected by other heart diseases, so usually secondary tricuspid regurgitation is diagnosed. Degenerative processes rarely have an effect on the pulmonary valve, but the interest regarding pulmonary valve has increased during the last years. Multiple valvular heart diseases are highly prevalent, and they represent an emerging challenge. When discussing treatment options, it is important to assess the effect that each valve disease has on haemodynamics and how they interact. The combination of the aortic stenosis and the mitral regurgitation is the most significant one in degenerative valve diseases.
bolesti srčanih zalistaka
aortna stenoza
mitralna insuficijencija
trikuspidalna regurgitacija
multivalvularne bolesti
Keywords (english)
valvular heart disease
aortic stenosis
mitral regurgitation
tricuspid regurgitation
multiple valve disease
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:972974
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-01-04 09:14:28