Title Rekonstrukcija srednjeg lica
Title (english) Midface reconstruction
Author Sunčana Bošnjak Brkić
Mentor Martin Jurlina (mentor)
Committee member ŽELJKO ORIHOVAC (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivica Lukšić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Martin Jurlina (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Dentistry) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-02, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Surgery
Abstract Srednje lice je kompleksna anatomska regija koja tvori funkcionalnu i estetsku cjelinu neophodnu za kvalitetan život i psihosocijalnu integraciju čovjeka. Većina defekata srednjeg lica koji zahtijevaju rekonstrukciju mogu se klasificirati u traumatske, kongenitalne i postablativne. Bez obzira na uzrok nastanka defekta, ciljevi rekonstrukcije uvijek su isti – postizanje funkcionalnog i estetskog integriteta. Raznovrsnost patologije, opsežnosti i oblika defekata čine rekonstruktivnu kirurgiju srednjeg lica uzbudljivim i inovativnim područjem kirurgije koje zahtjeva interdisciplinarni pristup niza stručnjaka. Metode rekonstrukcije danas su brojne, a osnova uspješnog rekonstruktivnog zahvata je razumijevanje anatomije i funkcije srednjeg lica, detaljna analiza defekta i poznavanje principa plastično-rekonstruktivne kirurgije. U rekonstrukciji mekotkivnih defekata srednjeg se koriste kožni transplantati, lokalni i regionalni režnjevi, a za koštane defekte koštani transplantati, aloplastični i osteosintetski materijali. Zlatnim standardom rekonstrukcije kompleksnih defekata danas se smatra rekonstrukcija slobodnim režnjevima, a razvoj implantologije omogućio je stabilnu i sofisticiranu dentalnu rehabilitaciju. Osim rekonstrukcije kompleksnih defekata slobodnim režnjevima, moguća je i tehnički manje zahtjevna protetska rehabilitacija koja je doživjela značajan napredak zahvaljujući novim materijalima i tehnologijama. U tijeku su razvoja i tehnike tkivne alotransplantacije i regenerativne medicine. Metoda rekonstrukcije bi trebala biti maksimalno individualizirana, s obzirom na dijagnozu, dob i prognozu pacijenta, veličinu, opsežnost i kompoziciju defekta i dostupnost lokalnih i udaljenih tkiva.
Abstract (english) The midface is a complex anatomical region which houses functional units and aesthetic structures necessary for normal functioning and psychosocial integration. Most midface defects which require reconstruction can be classified as traumatic, congenital, and postablative. Regardless of aetiology, the goals of reconstruction are always the same – the achievement of functional and aesthetic integrity. The variety of pathology, extent and shape of defects make midface reconstructive surgery a demanding but also exciting and innovative field of surgery that requires an interdisciplinary approach by a number of specialists. Reconstruction methods are numerous today, and the basis of the approach to reconstruction is an understanding of the anatomy and function of the midface, a detailed analysis of defects and knowledge of the principles of plastic-reconstructive surgery. Skin grafts, local and regional flaps are used in the reconstruction of soft tissue defects while bone grafts, alloplastic and osteosynthesis materials are used for bone defects. Today, free flap reconstruction is considered the gold standard of complex defect reconstruction while developments in implantology have enabled stable and sophisticated dental rehabilitation. In addition to surgical methods of complex defect reconstruction, the development of new materials and technologies has significantly improved prosthetic rehabilitation making it a valuable method. Composite tissue allotransplantation and regenerative medicine techniques are also under development. The method of reconstruction should be selected individually, considering the diagnosis, age, and prognosis of the patient, the size, extent, and composition of the defect and the availability of local and distant tissues.
srednje lice
rekonstrukcija srednjeg lica
lokalni režnjevi
koštani transplantati
slobodni režnjevi
Keywords (english)
midface reconstruction
local flaps
bone grafts
free flaps
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:877029
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-01-04 09:18:52