Title Autologni transfer masti u kirurgiji glave i vrata
Title (english) Autologous fat transfer in head and neck surgery
Author Tino Hmelina
Mentor Ivan Rašić (mentor)
Committee member Alan Pegan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mihael Ries (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Rašić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Othorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Otorhinolaryngology
Abstract Autologni transfer masti podrazumijeva prijenos vlastite masti na mjesta gdje je potrebno za pacijenta, a primjenjuje se u raznim dijagnozama. Standardna tehnika presađivanja masti obično se izvodi u tri faze: prikupljanje masnog tkiva s prikladnog donatorskog mjesta,zatim obrada lipoaspirata kako bi se uklonili stanični ostatci, acelularno ulje i višak infiltrirane otopine, te ubrizgavanje pročišćenog masnog tkiva.
Vrlo važnu ulogu imaju matične stanice dobivene iz masnog tkiva koje je IFATS
... More definirao kao plastično adherentne i multipotentne stanice koje imaju mogućnost diferencijacije u nekoliko mezenhimskih linija kao što su adipociti, hondrociti ili osteoblasti, a dodatno se mogu diferencirati u stanice tkiva.
Kod samog prikupljanja masti smatra se da manje traumatične metode prikupljanja masti rezultiraju povećanom vitalnošću adipocita i preživljavanjem transplantata pa su glavne tehnike vakuumska aspiracija, aspiracija špricom i kirurška ekscizija
Prilikom obrade prikupljene masti, najčešće korištene metode za pripremu transplantata masnih stanica su sedimentacija, filtriranje, ispiranje i centrifugiranje. Obrada masti je neophodna jer lipoaspirat ne sadrži samo adipocite nego i kolagena vlakna, krv i ostale elemente. Ovi elementi mogu uzrokovati upalu na mjestu primatelja, što može biti štetno za masni transplantat.
Ova tehnika primjene autologne masti pronašla je svoje mjesto u raznim granama medicine. Neke od njih su korištenje ove tehnike u estetskoj medicine za pomlađivanje lica ili za rinoplastiku. Također mnogi liječnici se odlučuju za transfer masti prilikom kongenitalnih, stečenih ili traumatskih deformiteta glave, lica i vrata koji su operabilni. Svoju ulogu ova tehnika također pronalazi kod liječenja opeklina, ožiljaka i posljedica zračenja kao što je radiodermatitis.
Zapravo je mast najbliža idealnom fileru zato što je lako dostupna, lako se može dobiti, ima nizak morbiditet na donorskom mjestu, biokompatibilna je a proces je ponovljiv , jeftin i svestran. Stoga se nameće kao standard preko kojeg se uspoređuju svi drugi fileri. Less
Abstract (english) Autologous fat transfer involves the transfer of one's own fat to places where it is needed by the patient and is used in a variety of diagnoses. The standard fat transplant technique is usually performed in three stages: collecting adipose tissue from a suitable donor site, then treating lipoaspirate to remove cell debris, acellular oil and excess infiltrated solution, and injecting purified adipose tissue.
Adipose tissue stem cells defined by IFATS have a very important role as plastically
... More adherent and multipotent cells that can differentiate into several mesenchymal lines such as adipocytes, chondrocytes or osteoblasts, and can further differentiate into tissue cells.
In collection process itself, less traumatic fat collection methods are thought to result in increased adipocyte vitality and graft survival, so the main techniques are vacuum aspiration, syringe aspiration, and surgical excision.
When processing the collected fat, the most commonly used methods for preparing fat cell transplants are sedimentation, filtration, rinsing and centrifugation. Fat processing is necessary because lipoaspirate contains not only adipocytes but also collagen fibers, blood, and other elements. These elements can cause inflammation at the recipient's site, which can be detrimental to the fat graft.
This technique of applying autologous ointment has found its place in various branches of medicine. Some of them are the use of this technique in aesthetic medicine for facial rejuvenation or for rhinoplasty. Also, many doctors opt for fat transfer in congenital, acquired, or traumatic deformities of the head, face and neck that are operable. This technique also finds its role in the treatment of burns, scars and the effects of radiation such as radiodermatitis.
In fact, the fat cells are the closest to an ideal filler because they are easily available, easy to obtain, have low morbidity at the donor site, are biocompatible and the process is repeatable, inexpensive, and versatile. It is therefore imposed as the standard by which all other fillers are compared to. Less
matične stanice
Keywords (english)
stem cells
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:396201
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-01-09 10:46:03