Title Religioznost i shizofrenija
Title (english) Religiosity in schizophrenia
Author Goran Kurdija
Mentor Branka Aukst Margetić (mentor)
Committee member Marina Šagud (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražen Begić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Branka Aukst Margetić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Psychiatry and Psychological Medicine) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Psychiatry
Abstract Religioznost je opsežan i kompleksan pojam koji obuhvaća institucionalizirane
religijske stavove, vjerovanja i aktivnosti. U oboljelih od shizofrenije, religioznost je
zastupljenija nego u općoj populaciji, te ima bitnu povezanost s tijekom bolesti i
ishodima liječenja. Usprkos tome, u kliničkom radu još uvijek se podcjenjuje njezino
značenje. Većina studija o religioznosti provedenih na populaciji oboljelih od
shizofrenije je presječnog tipa, te je teško zaključivati o uzročno-posljedičnim
vezama. Dosadašnjii dokazi upućuju na povezanost intenziteta i raznih dimenzija
religioznosti s različitom kliničkom slikom, suradljivošću te komorbiditetima.
Zabilježena je viša stopa religijskih sumanutosti te niže stope adherencije, uporabe
opojnih tvari i suicida. Sama prisutnost religioznosti bitnija je od pripadanja bilo kojoj
specifičnoj religiji, iako je dokazano da se pacijenti različitih religijskih denominacija
razlikuju u prevalenciji i vrsti religijskih sumanutosti. Jedan od najbitnijih elemenata
religioznosti je religijsko sučeljavanje. Pozitivno religijsko sučeljavanje vezano je uz
povoljniju kliničku sliku i višu kvalitetu života, dok je negativno religijsko sučeljavanje
vezano uz značajno lošiji tijek i ishode bolesti. Iako skromni, podaci o odnosu
pružatelja zdravstvene skrbi prema svojim pacijentima ukazuju na nedovoljno
poznavanje njihove religioznosti, ali i religioznosti općenito. Moguće je da integracija
religioznosti i duhovnosti pojedinog pacijenta u terapijski proces dovede do povoljnijih
ishoda u liječenju shizofrenije.
Abstract (english) Religiosity is a comprehensive and complex term encompassing institutionalized
religious attitudes, beliefs and activities. In patients with schizophrenia, religiosity is
more prevalent than in the general population, and has significant associations with
the course of illness and treatment outcomes. Nevertheless, its significance is still
underestimated in clinical practice. The majority of studies on religiosity in
schizophrenia patients are of the cross-sectional type, so it is difficult to reach
conclusions about cause-and-effect relationships. Evidence to date suggests an
association of intensity and various dimensions of religiosity with different clinical
presentation, adherence, and comorbidities. Higher rates of religious delusions were
reported, as well as lower rates of adherence, substance abuse and suicidal ideation.
The mere presence of religiosity seems to be more important than belonging to any
specific religion, although it has been proven that patients of different religious
denominations differ in both prevalence and type of religious delusions. One of the
most important elements of religiosity is religious coping. Positive religious coping is
associated with a more favorable clinical presentation and higher quality of life, while
negative religious coping is associated with a significantly worse course and outcome
of illness. Although modest, data on the attitude of health care providers towards
their patients indicate insufficient knowledge of their religiosity, but also of religiosity
in general. It is possible that the integration of the religiosity and spirituality of each
individual patient into the therapeutic process leads to more favorable outcomes in
the treatment of schizophrenia.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:932140
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-01-16 08:39:56