Title Uloga medicinske sestre u skrbi za novorođenče i obitelj kod neonatalnog apstinencijskog sindroma
Title (english) Neonatal abstinence syndrome - the role of the nurse in the care for the newborn and family
Author Mateja Lukšić
Mentor Danijela Štimac Grbić (mentor)
Committee member Aleksandar Džakula (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Borovečki (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Danijela Štimac Grbić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care Social Medicine
Abstract Brojni povijesni zapisi i dokazi ukazuju na to da korištenje droga nije fenomen novijeg razdoblja. Razvoj medicine utjecao je na shvaćanje učinaka droge na organizam, definirana je fizička i psihička ovisnost, tolerancija i apstinencijski sindrom. Sukladno sve većim zanimanjem stručnjaka za područje ovisnosti, nude se brojne definicije pojmova ovisnosti i psihoaktivne tvari. Iz ponuđenog je jasno vidljivo kako je u svim definicijama ovisnosti opisana žudnja za konzumacijom psihoaktivne tvari, dok je svim definicijama psihoaktivnih tvari zajednička činjenica kako se radi o tvarima prirodnog ili sintetiziranog porijekla, s moći izazivanja promjena psihičkog i/ili fizičkog stanja. Osim što se psihoaktivne tvari mogu podijeliti na prirodne i kemijski stvorene (podjela prema porijeklu), postoji podjela prema načinu djelovanja na središnji živčani sustav, pa se dijele na psihodepresorne, psihostimulativne i halucinogene droge. Konzumacijom psihoaktivnih sredstava, neovisno o tome kojoj skupini pripadaju, javljaju se mnogi štetni učinci i posljedice. Oni prvenstveno uzrokuju zdravstvene probleme, no uz njih se javljaju i društveni te socioekonomski problemi. Rastom incidencije o zlouporabi droga, raste i mogućnost sve većeg broja trudnoća koje su ugrožene zbog prenatalnog djelovanja teratogenog agensa na nerođeno dijete. Pri konzumaciji sredstvo prolazi kroz placentu, ulazi u djetetov krvotok i uzrokuje razne probleme. Neonatalni apstinencijski sindrom klinička je dijagnoza koja se javlja kod novorođenčadi majki ovisnica, a javljaju se simptomi gastrointestinalnog, respiratornog i središnjeg živčanog sustava, te poremećaji vazomotorike i promjene na koži, najčešće u prvih 48 sati života. Manifestacija simptoma ovisi o koncentraciji opijata u majčinu krvotoku. U skrbi za dijete sudjeluju specijalisti nekoliko područja, a sve u svrhu rješavanja kompleksnih specifičnih problema i osiguranja adekvatne skrbi za dijete. U tretmanu se roditelje nastoji uključiti u što više aktivnosti, s obzirom na to da se i samim kontaktom i prisutnošću mogu ublažiti simptomi neonatalnog apstinencijskog sindroma.
Medicinske sestre moraju vladati širokim stručnim znanjem, vještinama, komunikacijom, a profesionalnim odnosom i iskazivanjem empatije, postiže se bolja suradnja roditelja, što uvelike pridonosi bržem oporavku.
Abstract (english) Numerous historical records and evidence suggest that drug use is not a phenomenon solely of recent times. The development of medicine influenced the understanding of the effects of drugs on the body, the physical and psychological dependence was defined, alongside the concepts of tolerance and the withdrawal syndrome. The growing interest of experts in the field of addiction is followed with an inflow of new proposals of numerous definitions for both addiction and psychoactive substances. From the current state, it is clear that in all definitions present, addiction is described as a craving for consumption of psychoactive substances, while all the definitions of psychoactive substances understand ingredients of natural or synthetic origin, with the ability to cause changes in mental and/or physical condition. In addition to the division of psychoactive substances to natural and chemically created (classification by origin), there is a classification according to the effect of the substances on the central nervous system, which goes as follows: psychodepressors, psychostimulants and hallucinogens. Consumption of psychoactive substances, regardless of which group they belong to, is a direct cause to various side effects. Primarily, they cause health problems, but these are often followed with social and socio-economic problems. Growing incidence of drug abuse increases the possibility of highly volatile pregnancies due to the prenatal effects of teratogenic agents on the unborn child. When using, the substance passes through the placenta, into the child’s blood stream causing various problems. A neonatal abstinence syndrome is a clinical diagnosis in infants of addicted mothers, and is manifested as the underdevelopment of gastrointestinal, respiratory and central nervous system, as well as the vasomotoric disorders and changes on the skin, usually in the first 48 hours of life. The manifestation of symptoms depends on the concentration of opiates in the mother's bloodstream. In child care, the specialists involved come from a wide range of areas, all with the combined aim to solve complex problems and ensure adequate care for the child. The treatment aims to involve parents in as many activities under the mentioned care due to the possible positive effects of contact and presence of a parent on the child suffering from the neonatal abstinence syndrome. Nurses must possess a wide set of skills, high expertise and professional attitude and through empathy they can achieve cooperation and a better understanding with parents, which can directly aid the process of recovery.
neonatalni apstinencijski sindrom
ovisnost u trudnoći
ugrožena trudnoća
Keywords (english)
neonatal abstinence syndrome
addiction in pregnancy
high risk pregnancy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:122770
Study programme Title: Studies in Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-03-08 10:29:03