Abstract | Cilj ovog preglednog rada je prikazati suvremenu ulogu i značaj muškaraca
u sestrinskoj profesiji.
Povijesno, muškarci su bili prvi koji su pomagali i liječili, koji su bili
prepoznatljivi u Indiji po pružanju njege bolesnima i nemoćnima, a za vrijeme
Bizanta, muške snage su zajednički stvarale i osnivale hospicije. Kasnije se javljaju
žene, a njihovim ulaskom i sve većim razvijanjem sestrinske profesije, muškarci su
se kasnije za mjesto u sestrinstvu uvijek borili, morali truditi jače te su bili u sjeni.
Dokaz tome su naučavanja i pogled na sestrinstvo od strane Florence Nightingale
koja je dala opis sestre i govorila da treba biti po uzoru na majku, brižna, zaštitnički
nastrojena i puna ljubavi i ljubaznosti te time započela jednu eru koja traje do danas.
Ta era je raspodijelila i raspodjeljuje sestrinstvo i danas po spolu, na muški dio posla
i ženski dio. Ova era feminizacije smatra da su muškarci nedovoljno osjećajni da
bi bili dobri njegovatelji. Takav pogled i stajalište su se održali sve do danas.
Istraživanja provedena danas pokazuju kako muški studenti nisu zadovoljni
tretiranjem, ophođenjem i dozivanjem za samo određeni posao. Vidljivo je kako
navode da im nedostaje muških mentora i njihove pomoći pri izobrazbi i educiranju,
ali i podaci iz povijesti kako bi doznali pravu istinu o muškarcima u sestrinstvu. Iako
su primjeri i izjave negativni, porast u broju medicinskih tehničara vidljiv je u SADu, točnije po svakoj njihovoj državi, gdje najbolji primjer govori da je omjer
medicinske sestre prema tehničarima 1 : 3,9 . U Kanadi 2018. godine 9,5%
sestrinske profesije su činili upravo muškarci. U Hrvatskoj se susrećemo s malim
brojem medicinskih tehničara. 1997. godine omjer tehničara i sestara je iznosio 6 :
94 %, a 20 godina kasnije on iznosi 11,2 : 88.8 %..Možda stigma i stereotipi uvelike
utječu na muškarca i njegov odabir profesije, ali oni koji odaberu ovo zanimanje
nemaju problem i otpor pri upisu u medicinske škole. Dapače, u HR medicinskih
tehničara ima u svim razinama stručne spreme, od srednje škole do visoko
obrazovanih sestara na fakultetima. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this review paper is to present the contemporary role and
importance of men in the nursing profession.
Historically, men were the first in helping and treating patients, in India, they
were recognized for providing care for sick and disabled, and during Byzantium men
were jointly establishing hospices. Later, women joined the cause, and as the
nursing profession grew and developed, men were left struggling for their position,
always having to work harder having been pushed aside. The proof of this is
Florence Nightingale’s teaching and understanding of the nursing profession. She
described a proper nurse saying she needs to be modelled after a mother – caring,
protective, loving and kind, which marked the beginning of an era which continues
to this day. This era has been dividing the nursing profession by sex to this day,
onto male and female part of the job. This feminization era considers men not to be
sensitive enough to provide adequate care, and that opinion remains to this day.
The research conducted so far shows the male students are not satisfied with
the way they are treated and foreordained for particular jobs only. They emphasize
the lack of male mentors and their help in education and professional growth, but
also historical data to learn about the position of men in nursing profession. Even
though the examples from practice and attitudes are negative, there has been a
growth of male nurses in the USA, i.e. in each of the states, where the best ratio
female to male nurses is 3,9 : 1. In Canada in 2018, 9,5% of nurses were men. In
Croatia, the number of male nurses is still low. In 1997, the male to female nurse
ratio was 6 : 94%, and 20 years later, it is 11,2 : 88,8%. It is possible that stigma
and stereotypes affect men to choose the nursing profession, but those who do
choose it do not seem to have any problems or resistance in their further education.
In addition, in Croatia, there are male nurses with different professional
qualifications – ranging from high school to nurses with BA and MA degrees. |