Abstract | Pretilost je postala jednim od glavnih zdravstvenih problema u današnjem svijetu. U škole
bi trebalo uvesti više fizičke aktivnosti, edukacije o zdravom načinu života te štetnim
utjecajima loše prehrane na ljudsko tijelo kako bi adolescenti bili upoznatiji sa simptomima,
liječenjem i prevencijom šećerne bolesti.
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je dokazati važnost uloge medicinske sestre u edukaciji
adolescenata o prevenciji šećerne bolesti te utvrditi na činjenicu koliko današnja mlađa
populacija vodi brigu o svome zdravlju. Ispitano je znanje adolescenata o šećernoj bolesti te
koliko medicinska sestra svojim znanjem i iskustvom može pridonijeti edukaciji.
Anketni upitnik bio je instrument s kojim je anonimno ispitano 127 ispitanika, od kojih je 38
ispitanika muškog spola i 89 ispitanika ženskog spola. S obzirom na raspon godina ispitanici
su podijeljeni u tri dobne skupine (16, 17 i 18 godina).
Rezultati pokazuju koliko je bitna uloga medicinske sestre u edukaciji adolescenata o
prevenciji šećerne bolesti. Znanje ispitanika prije edukacije pokazalo se lošije od
očekivanoga. Većina ispitanika nije znala uzroke nastanka šećerne bolesti, liječenje te
komplikacije koje nosi bolest. Zbog nedovoljnog znanja adolescenata o šećernoj bolesti,
medicinske sestre i svi ostali zdravstveni djelatnici imaju veliku zadaću - educirati ljude o
zdravoj prehrani i tjelesnoj aktivnosti s ciljem prevencije i kontrole šećerne bolesti, kako bi se
što više smanjio broj oboljelih. |
Abstract (english) | Obesity has become one of the major problems in today's world. Schools should offer more
physical activities and education about healthy lifestyle, at the same time pointing out all
harmful effects of inadequate dieting on human body, all with the aim of making adolescents
more familiar with the symptoms, treatment, and prevention of diabetes.
The aim of this research was to prove the importance of a nurse in educating adolescents
about the prevention of diabetes and to determine to what extent young population takes care
of their health. The subject of the research was the knowledge of adolescents about diabetes,
and how a nurse, with their knowledge and experience, can contribute to that education.
A "survey questionnaire" was used as an instrument of this research, according to which one
hundred and twenty-seven subjects were tested anonymously. There were thirty-eight male
and eighty-nine female subjects involved in the questionnaire. Considering the age, they were
divided into three age groups (16, 17 and 18 years of age).
The results clearly demonstrate the importance of a nurse in educating adolescents about
prevention of diabetes. The knowledge of respondents before education turned out to be lower
than it had been expected. The majority of subjects did not know the cause of diabetes, how to
treat it, and what the complications of diabetes are. Due to the adolescents' inadequate
knowledge on diabetes, nurses and all other health professionals, have a great task - to
educate people about healthy dieting and physical activity, with the aim of preventing and
controlling diabetes, in order to minimize the number of patients. |