Author Ivana Alilović
Mentor Nina Barišić (mentor)
Committee member Irena Senečić-Čala
Committee member Marija Jelušić
Committee member Nina Barišić
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Pediatrics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2015-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Pediatrics
Abstract Cilj ovog sustavnog pregleda bio je opisati različite oblike glavobolje koji se mogu pojaviti u pedijatrijskoj populaciji. Glavobolje su vrlo česte u djece i adolescenata. One imaju negativan utjecaj na učenje djeteta, pamćenje, osobnost, međuljudske odnose ili odnose s vršnjacima, kao i na izvršavanje školskih i izvanškolskih obveza. To, naravno, ovisi o etiologiji, učestalosti i intenzitetu glavobolje. -----
Prema klasifikaciji IHS podijeljene su u dvije vrste: primarne i sekundarne. Kad je
... More glavobolja sama po sebi bolest, onda je primarna glavobolja, npr. tenzijska glavobolja, migrena, glavobolja sa trigeminalnom autonomnom simptomatologijom i druge primarne glavobolje. U sekundarnih je glavobolja simptom strukturne, metaboličke ili druge abnormalnosti.
Akutne glavobolje u većini su slučajeva primarne glavobolje. Kronične su glavobolje velike skupine čestih ili svakodnevno dugotrajnih glavobolja (više od 4 sata dnevno). -----
Za svaku navedenu vrstu prikazane su karakteristike boli, poput intenziteta, lokacije, trajanja, vremena nastanka i popratnih simptoma, koji mogu pomoći u dijagnozi. Procjena djeteta s glavoboljom počinje detaljnim fizikalnim pregledom (mjerenje krvnog tlaka), neurološkim pregledom i temeljitom anamnezom. Nakon toga mogu slijediti neuroradiološke pretrage, lumbalna punkcija ili EEG, ako za to ima indikacije. -----
Metode liječenja za različite tipove glavobolje opisane su na kraju. Važno je prepoznati vrstu glavobolje, tako da se može tretirati na pravilan način. Svako dijete s glavoboljom treba individualan pristup. Pravodobno i pravilno liječenje čini bolest podnošljivijom i daje bolju kvalitetu života. Less
Abstract (english) The aim of this systematic review was to describe various forms of headache that may occur in the pediatric population. Headaches are very common in children and adolescents. They have a negative impact on a child's learning, memory, personality, interpersonal or peer relations, as well as on its performance in curricular and extracurricural activities. This of course, depends on the etiology, frequency and intensity of headaches. -----
According to the IHS classification, headaches are
... More divided into primary and secondary headaches. When the headache itself is the illness, then it is a primary headache disorder (e.g. tension-type headache, migraine, trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias and other primary headache disorders). In secondary headache disorders headache is a symptom of structural, metabolic or other abnormality.
Acute headaches are primary headaches in most cases. Chronic headaches are a large group of frequent or everyday long-lasting headaches (more than 4 hours per day). -----
For each listed type the characteristics of pain like the intensity, location, duration, time of occurrence and accompanying symptoms are shown, which can help in the diagnosis. The evaluation of a child with headache starts with detailed physical examination (blood pressure measurement included), neurological examination and thorough history. Then it can be followed by neuroradiological diagnostic procedure, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) examination or EEG if there are indications. ----- Methods of treatment are given after the description of each type of headache. It is important to recognize each of them, so they can be treated in a proper way. Every child with a headache needs an individual approach. Timely and proper treatment makes the disease more tolerable and gives a better quality of life. Less
pedijatrijske glavobolje
Keywords (english)
paediatric headaches
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:327351
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2016-04-07 08:45:04