Title Stigmatizacija psihijatrijskih bolesnika od strane učenika medicinskih škola
Title (english) Stigmatizing of psychiatric patients by medical school students
Author Ksenija Brajković
Mentor Neven Henigsberg (mentor)
Committee member RUDOLF GREGUREK
Committee member Dražen Begić
Committee member Neven Henigsberg
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Psychiatry and Psychological Medicine) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2015-09-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Psychiatry
Abstract Mentalno i duševno zdravlje sastavni su dio općeg zdravlja. Problemi i poremećaji vezani uz mentalno i duševno zdravlje, zbog visoke stope prisutnosti u društvu i zbog često kroničnog tijeka, predstavljaju jedan od prioritetnih javno-zdravstvenih problema današnjice. U suvremenom zapadnom društvu odnos prema psihički oboljelim osobama humaniji je nego u prošlosti, psihijatrijske ustanove primjerenije su potrebama bolesnika, a oblici farmakološkog i psihoterapijskog liječenja daleko učinkovitiji, ali je odnos prema psihičkim bolesnicima i dalje obilježen predrasudama (1). U svim zemljama svijeta između 20-25% populacije tijekom života ima duševne smetnje ili neuropsihijatrijski poremećaj (2). Iako je konvencionalno liječenje duševnih smetnji učinkovito i nije skupo, samo 20-35% osoba s duševnim smetnjama traže stručnu pomoć (3). Predrasude i strah od stigme glavni su razlozi zbog kojih osobe koje pate od duševnih smetnji ne traže stručnu pomoć ili pomoć odluče potražiti prekasno. Stigma je uzrokovana kombinacijom straha i nedostatkom bazičnih znanja zbog kojih nastaju predrasude i mitovi.
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi stupanj stigmatizacije psihičkih bolesnika među učenicima srednjih medicinskih škola u gradu Zagrebu, te razlikuju li se oni u stupnju stigmatizacije, znanju i socijalnoj distanci ovisno o školi koju pohađaju. Htjela sam provjeriti njihove stavove prema psihičkim bolesnicima prije formalne edukacije koju će proći u četvrtom i petom razredu srednje medicinske škole. Nadalje, utječe li stupanj obrazovanja roditelja i spol učenika na znanje, stavove i socijalnu distancu prema psihičkim bolesnicima.
Na uzorku od 208 učenika medicinskih škola u gradu Zagrebu ispitivane su razlike u znanju, stavovima i socijalnoj distanci prema psihičkim bolesnicima. Rezultati pokazuju da postoje statistički značajne razlike među različitim školama u znanju o psihičkim bolesnicima. Najveće znanje o psihičkim bolesnicima imaju učenici škole za medicinske sestre Vrapče, međutim u stavovima i socijalnoj distanci se statistički značajno ne razlikuju od Škole za medicinske sestre Vinogradska i Mlinarska. Također, sudionici sa višim rezultatima na testu znanja imaju i pozitivnije stavove prema psihički oboljelim osobama neovisno o školi koju pohađaju. Nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika u stavovima prema psihičkim bolesnicima s obzirom na stručnu spremu oca niti majke, no aritmetička sredina se smanjuje, odnosno stavovi su blago pozitivniji što je veća stručna sprema oba roditelja.
Abstract (english) Mental and emotional health are an integral part of general health. The problems and disorders related to mental and emotional health, because of the high rate of presence in society and often due to chronic course, represent one of the priority public health problems of our time. In modern Western society attitude towards mentally illness is more humane than in the past, psychiatric institutions are more appropriate to the needs of patients, and the forms of pharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatment far more effective, but the attitude towards the mentally illness is still marked by prejudice (1). In the world wide countries 20-25% of the population have a mental disorder or a neuropsychiatric disorder during the life (2). Taking the fact that conventional mental health treatment is effective and not expensive, only 20-35% of people with mental disorders seek professional help (3). Prejudice and fear of stigma are the main reasons why people who suffered from mental disorders do not seek for professional help or decide to ask for help when is too late. Stigma is caused by a combination of fear and lack of basic knowledge,what will generaly create some prejudices and myths.
The aim of the research was to determine the degree of stigmatization of the mentally illness patients among the students of secondary medical school in Zagreb, and if they differ in the degree of stigmatization, knowledge and social distance depending on the school they attend. I wanted to check their attitudes towards the mentally ill patients before formal education which they will pass in the fourth and fifth year of high medical school. I also did some resarches about the parents education level and students gender affecting on knowledge, attitudes and social distance towards the mentally illness.
In a sample of 208 students of medical schools in Zagreb, some differences in knowledge, attitudes and social distance towards the mentally illness were tested. The results show that there are statistically significant differences among the various schools in the knowledge of the mentally illness. The greatest knowledge about the mentally illness have students of nursing school Vrapče, but in attitudes and social distance are statistically not significant different from nursing school Mlinarska and Vinogradska. Also, participants with higher scores from knowledge test have a more positive attitude towards the mentally illness regardless of the school they attend. There was no statistically significant difference in attitudes toward the mentally illness due to the father or mother qualifications, but the arithmetic shows that attitudes are slightly more positive as the degree of both parents is greater.
psihički bolesnik
učenici medicinske škole
Keywords (english)
mental illness
medical school students.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:873621
Study programme Title: Studies in Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2016-04-21 12:07:25