Title Surgical approaches in rhinoplasty
Title (croatian) Kirurški pristupi u rinoplastici
Author Tzuf Karin Bersudsky
Mentor Anto Dujmović (mentor)
Committee member Anto Dujmović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Davor Mijatović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Anko Antabak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-07-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Surgery
Abstract A common surgical operation called a rhinoplasty involves altering the nose to enhance either its beauty or functioning. Open and closed rhinoplasty are the two primary rhinoplasty methods. In terms of surgery, closed rhinoplasty is regarded as a sophisticated procedure that calls for a high degree of ability and knowledge. On the other hand, because to the expanding usage of nasal
cartilage, bone, and other tissue-grafting procedures, open rhinoplasty has grown in popularity. Patients who require revision rhinoplasty might also benefit from open rhinoplasty. However, for the majority of simple rhinoplasties, closed rhinoplasty is preferable.
It's crucial to remember that the differences between open and closed rhinoplasty are only surgical specifics. The surgeon's competence and talent are the most important factors in the procedure's success. Both methods can result in good outcomes and which method is used is determined by the patient's particular requirements and the surgeon's suggestions.
While there might be some differences between the two techniques in terms of the healing time and scarring, these are typically momentary problems. What counts most is how the process turns out in the end. The distinctions between open and closed procedures lose their significance after three to four months, when healing for a primary rhinoplasty is around 80–90% complete.
Both open and closed rhinoplasty procedures are skills possessed by some doctors. Patients should be aware of these while selecting the technique that is most effective for them. Each strategy has benefits and drawbacks. It is simpler for the surgeon to make accurate changes with open rhinoplasty since it provides better view of the nasal anatomy. While the recovery time might be longer, it might also result in scarring that is more obvious. The healing time, edema, and apparent scarring are all reduced with closed rhinoplasty. Since the nasal structures are not as readily visible, it might be more difficult for the surgeon to make precise adjustments.
In conclusion, both open and closed rhinoplasty methods have the potential to yield superb outcomes despite their different approaches. The surgeon's competence and knowledge are the most important determinants of the procedure's outcome, therefore patients should pick an expert who can suggest the best strategy for their particular needs.
Abstract (croatian) Jedan čest kirurški zahvat pod nazivom rinoplastika uključuje kirurške intervencije na nosu s ciljem poboljšanja njegove estetike ili funkcionalnosti. Otvorena i zatvorena rinoplastika predstavljaju glavne metode izvođenja rinoplastičkih postupaka. U kontekstu kirurškog pristupa, zatvorena rinoplastika se smatra sofisticiranim postupkom koji zahtijeva visoku stručnost i široko znanje. S druge strane, otvorena rinoplastika je postala sve popularnija zahvaljujući širem korištenju presađivanja nosne hrskavice, kostiju i drugih tkiva. Pacijenti koji zahtijevaju korektivnu rinoplastiku također mogu imati koristi od otvorene rinoplastike. Međutim, u većini slučajeva jednostavnih rinoplastičkih zahvata, zatvorena rinoplastika se smatra preferiranim pristupom.
Važno je naglasiti da su razlike između otvorene i zatvorene rinoplastike isključivo kirurške specifičnosti. Ključni faktori uspjeha ovog postupka su stručnost i talent kirurga. Obje metode mogu rezultirati izvrsnim rezultatima, a konačan odabir metode ovisi o specifičnim potrebama pacijenta i preporukama kirurga.
Iako postoje razlike u vremenu oporavka i vidljivosti ožiljaka između ove dvije tehnike, takvi problemi su obično privremenog karaktera. Ono što je najvažnije jest konačni rezultat postupka. Nakon tri do četiri mjeseca, kada je zacjeljivanje primarne rinoplastike već 80-90% završeno, razlike između otvorene i zatvorene metode gube na važnosti.
Sposobnost izvođenja i stručnost kirurga imaju ključnu ulogu u postupku bez obzira na odabrani pristup. Pacijenti bi trebali biti svjesni da i otvorena i zatvorena rinoplastika mogu rezultirati izvrsnim rezultatima. Otvorena rinoplastika omogućuje kirurgu bolji uvid u anatomijske strukture nosa, što olakšava precizne prilagodbe, dok je vrijeme oporavka možda malo dulje i može rezultirati vidljivijim ožiljcima. Zatvorena rinoplastika smanjuje vrijeme oporavka, oticanje i vidljivost ožiljaka. Međutim, budući da su nosne strukture manje vidljive, kirurgu može biti teže napraviti precizne korekcije.
rhinoplasty surgery
Keywords (croatian)
rinoplastička kirurgija
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:687969
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-09-01 09:46:07